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Readathon Pledge Form
Editable form to print for participants to use for tracking and collecting pledges for your school's readathon.
Downloads: 1903 Hot!

Dr. Seuss Photo Booth Prop Template
Cute props to complement a Dr. Seuss-theme event at your school. Print on card stock, cut out, and tape to a stick (lollipop sticks or any craft stick will work).
Downloads: 2071 Hot!

Five Finger Rule - Choosing a "Just Right" Book
I created a flyer of the "Five Finger Rule" for choosing a Just Right Book for our school's read-a-thon.
Downloads: 1858 Hot!

certifitcate is for the child so they can show their pledgers how many units they read for - it's a great way to show their pride in a job well done.
Downloads: 2564 Hot!

2007 moose readathon
This is our Read-A-Thon we are trying out this year. We hope to have a lot of success. This is my outline of what and how I want to see this happen - forms to follow
Downloads: 3384 Hot!
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