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Fun Run Lap Cards
Use these cute lap cards to help track students' progress at your school fun run. When a student completes a lap, a volunteer uses a marker or hole punch to mark next blank box on the card.
Downloads: 2588 Hot!

Parent Punch Card for Attending Events
Customize this “PTO Parent Punch Card” with your group’s key events for the year to encourage attendance. Distribute to parents in your welcome packet and encourage them to bring it to events. For every event they attend, give them a punch (or stamp). If they’ve “punched” all events by the end of the year, they’ll be entered to win a prize. You could even make significant events worth two punches!
Downloads: 16056 Hot!

"Save the Date" Graphic
Use this colorful "Save the Date" graphic on a poster board or trifold board to advertise upcoming activities to parents and community members attending an event. A clip art version is also available in the Event Logos clip art section and can be scaled down to add at the top of electronic versions of flyers and more.
Downloads: 1473 Hot!

"Coming Up Next" Graphic
Use this colorful "Coming Up Next" graphic on a poster board or trifold board to advertise your upcoming activities to families and community members attending an event. A clip art version is also available in the Event Logos clip art section and can be scaled down to add at the top of your electronic versions of flyers and more.
Downloads: 2013 Hot!

100 Days of School Photo Booth Prop Templates
Cute props to help celebrate reaching 100 days of school (typically in January or February). Print on card stock, cut out, and tape to a stick (lollipop sticks or any craft stick will work).
Downloads: 4242 Hot!

St. Patrick's Day Photo Booth Prop Templates
Cute props to complement a St. Patrick's Day event at your school. Print on card stock, cut out, and tape to a stick (lollipop sticks or any craft stick will work).
Downloads: 1056 Hot!

Santa Photo Booth Prop Templates
Cute props to complement a Christmas or winter holidays event at your school. Print on card stock, cut out, and tape to a stick (lollipop sticks or any craft stick will work).
Downloads: 1181 Hot!

Halloween Photo Booth Prop Templates
Cute props to complement a Halloween event at your school. Print on card stock, cut out, and tape to a stick (lollipop sticks or any craft stick will work).
Downloads: 1234 Hot!

Cinco de Mayo Photo Booth Prop Templates
Cute props to complement a Cinqo de Mayo event at your school. Print on card stock, cut out, and tape to a stick (lollipop sticks or any craft stick will work).
Downloads: 1087 Hot!

Family Reading Night Planning Kit
Planning and hosting a Family Reading Night is easy with our free kit. Download step-by-step planning guidelines, flyers, activity and snack ideas, and more. (Free; registration required)
Downloads: 3354 Hot!

Family Tech Talk Event Planning Materials
Planning and hosting a Family Tech Talk event is easy! Get access to a free Zoom presentation by a professional Internet safety expert, along with step-by-step planning guidelines, social media graphics, a customizable flyer, copy/paste newsletter text, and other tools to promote your event date.
Downloads: 2205 Hot!

Family Science Night Planning Kit
Planning and hosting a Family Science Night is easy with our free kit. Download step-by-step planning guidelines, flyers, activity instructions, and more, plus get a colorful poster and banner by mail to promote your event. (Free; registration required)
Downloads: 1983 Hot!

Kids' Kaleidoscope
Printable directions for a cute hands-on kaleidoscope project that helps children learn about light reflection.
Downloads: 3033 Hot!

Back-to-School Speech Script
Script of a sample speech for PTOs and PTAs to deliver at back-to-school time, such as at a school open house night or welcome event for families. Use it as a starting point and customize the text to work for your own community. Get more back-to-school speech tips and see the script in action.
Downloads: 21440 Hot!

Back-to-School Photo Booth Signs
DIY photo booths are easy to set up; add these props to a photo booth at your next back-to-school event to encourage attendees to get involved and have fun at the same time! Five signs included; print on 8.5"x11" card stock, cut out, and attach each one to a stick.
Downloads: 5852 Hot!

Icebreaker Bingo Sheets
For a cute and fun way to get to know your fellow volunteers better, print these "human bingo" sheets (10 versions available) and ask them to sign their names in the boxes that describe them.
Downloads: 40405 Hot!

Book Bingo Template
Fill in this simple template with your own reading challenges for a book bingo event.
Downloads: 5528 Hot!

Book Bingo Cards
Cute sheets to use for a book bingo event for your parent group or school.
Downloads: 1305 Hot!

Book Fair Flyer
Customizable flyer to use for promoting your PTO or school's book fair.
Downloads: 2288 Hot!
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