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Welcome letter for kindergarten parents/guardians
Welcome letter for kindergarten parents, explains duties of the PTF
Downloads: 10682 Hot!
Welcome Back/Three for Me Volunteer follow up note
Welcome Back/Three for Me Volunteer follow up note.
Downloads: 3389 Hot!
PTA Membership Letter
PTA Membership Letter welcoming and informing of the association.
Downloads: 18035 Hot!
Welcome Breakfast Flyer
Welcome Breakfast invitation letter for incoming parents to school.
Downloads: 10457 Hot!
PTO Today: Welcome Packet Outline
Tips about the forms and information to send to parents at the start of the school year.
Downloads: 32573 Hot!
Back to School Welcome letter
I created this letter with the help of many ideas from letters that others shared on the PTO Today message board. I made a tri-fold pamphlet for Back to School and this letter was the inside. I've also uploaded the tri-fold pamphlet.
Downloads: 22054 Hot!
Volunteer Information Letter
Welcome letter with calendar, descriptions of volunteer opportunities, and volunteer sign-up sheet.
Downloads: 13199 Hot!
PTO Today: Parent Involvement Letter 2 (Spanish)
Spanish version of a letter to parents detailing why their involvement matters; can be customized. Also available in English.
Downloads: 6722 Hot!
PTO Today: Parent Involvement Letter 2
Customizable letter to parents about why their involvement matters. Also available in Spanish.
Downloads: 19797 Hot!
PTO Today: Parent Involvement Letter 1
Customizable letter about why involvement matters.
Downloads: 22270 Hot!
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