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Year-End Survey Template - Google Forms
At the end of the school year, use this survey to get feedback from parents and guardians on what worked, what didn't, what programs they would want to participate in, and more. Completely customizable in Google Forms!
Downloads: 2140 Hot!

Volunteer Interest Survey Template - Google Forms
This detailed interest survey for potential volunteers is set up as a Google Forms template. Copy the file to your PTO Google Drive, then add or edit the questions as needed! It's prepopulated with space for two or more guardians, volunteer opportunities (general school tasks, special events, enrichment, fundraising, communications), and time and talents (carpentry, foreign language, cooking, speaking/presenting, equipment to loan).
Downloads: 2704 Hot!

End-of-Year Parent Survey
Customizable year-end survey asks parents for feedback on what events and programs worked, what fundraisers their family has supported, what they'd be willing to volunteer for, and more.
Downloads: 20417 Hot!

End of Year Thank You Survey
End of Year Thank You on first page and Survey on second page. We sent this home the week before our end of year carnival and also had it available a
Downloads: 13019 Hot!

Get Involved - Parent Volunteer Survey
This is a form that our PTO used to see where we can get parents involved.
Downloads: 27652 Hot!

Teacher and Staff Survey
This is a simple survey to ask teachers and staff how they think the PTO is doing, how it can improve.
Downloads: 9950 Hot!

PTO Today: Teacher Survey
Updated reproducible form to give to teachers so they can share what their priorities are in terms of PTO planning and assistance.

PTO Teacher Survey - Beginning of Year
2 page teacher survey to create SWOT Analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats for our PTO
Downloads: 10016 Hot!

PTO Parent Survey - Beginning of Year
2 page survey to create SWOT Analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats for our PTO
Downloads: 16227 Hot!

BA PTSO Survey
This is a survey we sent to all our parents. We have over 450 families and had 98 response. We feel that it was ok for the first year. We are a PK-
Downloads: 11153 Hot!

Volunteer Form for Start of Year - Detailed - Two Parent
Detailed form used at start of year to survey parents (both!) as to how they might help at school.
Downloads: 25781 Hot!

Curriculum Enrichment Evaluation Form
Find out whether parents thought a PCC-sponsored enrichment event worked well.
Downloads: 5226 Hot!

Membership and Volunteer_SURVEY
This file was inspired by the PTO Today survey on this website but we decided to take it a little further.
First, the top portion serves as membership data for our membership chair. Anyone wishing to join our PTA fills out the top and submits it with their check.
Then, at the same time, they may be inspired to check off a few boxes (committees) that may interest them.
Once our membership chair receives the surveys, she compiles the data on the survey and creates a master (Excel) database. The database includes names, phone numbers, email addresses and areas of interest.
As the database continues to grow, the membership chair sorts through the information and shares the volunteers' information with the appropriate committee chairs and co-presidents.
The database is also used to compile a comprehensive list of email addresses of all of the PTA parent members in the school. This allows our group to easily reach a good majority of parents via email! (And as a disclaimer, we specifically state on the survey that "By providing your contact (information), you are allowing Lee Road PTA members to share your information for PTA business only.")
This survey has opened a lot of doors for our parents and provided a lot of opportunity. New parents have been recruited to chair committees and volunteer at events. We have been able to get more parents involved with committees by simply having them check a box.
THANK YOU PTO TODAY for the inspiration and we hope you approve of our customizations!
Downloads: 7895 Hot!

PTO Today: Volunteer Interest Survey (Spanish)
Customizable form to find out how parents would like to get involved, in Spanish. English version also available.
Downloads: 9944 Hot!

PTO Today: Volunteer Interest Survey (English)
Customizable form to find out how parents would like to get involved with your PTO or PTA.
Downloads: 65707 Hot!
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