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PTO Today: Standing Rules Template
An editable doc with common standing rules for school PTOs and PTAs, to use in conjunction with your bylaws. Learn more in the PTO Startup Toolkit.
Downloads: 5704 Hot!

Complete Sample Bylaws in Spanish (Ejemplo Completo de Reglamentos)
Complete set of sample bylaws for a PTO, including the IRS-required conflict of interest policy, translated for Spanish-speaking parent groups. Complete sample bylaws in English also available.
Downloads: 5009 Hot!

Parent Teacher League Constitution and By Laws for Church School
Constitution and Bylaws for private Lutheran school, K-8.
Downloads: 5135 Hot!

Sample Cover Letter and Table of Contents for a Policies and Procedures Manual
Sample of what a Policies and Procedures Binder is and what could go in one.
Downloads: 15291 Hot!

PTO Today: Annotated Bylaws
Complete sample bylaws with explanations for each section.
Downloads: 50802 Hot!

Policy Flyer: Handling of PTO Funds Received
Simple, one-page flyer listing general policies for handling funds received.
Downloads: 13424 Hot!

Basic Bylaws
These bylaws are the ones we use for our middle school PTO. They are very basic, but have the essentials.
Downloads: 38299 Hot!

PTA to PTO switch letter for Parents
Letter to Parents about a Meeting to Switch
Downloads: 5816 Hot!

Notify State PTA of Disbanding Letter
Form Letter to a state PTA about intent to disband
Downloads: 4077 Hot!

PTA Membership Letter
PTA Membership Letter welcoming and informing of the association.
Downloads: 18072 Hot!

PTO Today: Leader's Toolkit
Comprehensive guide to help parent group leaders be the best they can be, from setting priorities for the group to maximizing involvement.

PTO Today: Sample Articles of Incorporation
Example of articles of incorporation based on Virginia law, along with comments to help you understand what to do and why. Format and language vary from state to state, but the basic procedures will be the same. Find out more about incorporating your parent group in the PTO 501(c)(3) Toolkit.

PTO Today: Startup Toolkit
PTO Today's comprehensive guide for starting a new parent group walks you through all the essential steps to make your group a successful independent entity. The toolkit includes information and tools for writing a mission statement and bylaws, setting up a budget, working with school staff, choosing insurance, and more.

PTO Today: Conflict of Interest Policy
Sample conflict of interest statement from the IRS, to include in your bylaws or adopt before filing IRS Form 1023 for nonprofit status. Find more information about creating bylaws in the PTO Startup Toolkit.

PTO Today: Mission Statement Samples
Several examples of mission statements from actual parent groups. If it's time to revise or create your group's mission statement, you can use these as a model. Learn more about running your PTO and setting the direction for its mission and vision in the PTO Leader's Toolkit and the PTO Startup Toolkit.

Distribution of PTO Funds - General Policy
Bulleted list of general policies for PTO funds
Downloads: 15353 Hot!
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