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Promesa de Seguridad en el Internet para la Familia
A Spanish translation of the Family Internet Safety Promise from the free Family Tech Talk Night planning kit, contributed by Siler City (N.C.) Elementary.
Downloads: 1030 Hot!

Compromiso de Equilibrio y Privacidad
A Spanish translation of the Privacy and Balance Pledge from the free Family Tech Talk Night planning kit, contributed by Siler City (N.C.) Elementary.
Downloads: 945 Hot!

Celebración del Día de Muertos (Español)
Dead of the Dead Celebration/Celebración de Dia de los Muertos (Spanish)
Downloads: 1134 Hot!

Complete Sample Bylaws in Spanish (Ejemplo Completo de Reglamentos)
Complete set of sample bylaws for a PTO, including the IRS-required conflict of interest policy, translated for Spanish-speaking parent groups. Complete sample bylaws in English also available.
Downloads: 5020 Hot!

Meeting Announcements, August-June (Spanish)
Seasonal meeting announcements in Spanish for each month of the school year.

School Week at a Glance worksheet (Spanish)
A handout for Spanish-speaking parents with space to keep track of students' appointments and activities.
Downloads: 1629 Hot!

Top 10 Reasons To Join the School Parent Group (Spanish)
A fun way to explain to Spanish-speaking parents why they should get involved with your group.
Downloads: 5088 Hot!

Parent-Teacher Conference Questions (Spanish)
A handy list of questions in Spanish to share with parents to help them make the most of conference time.
Downloads: 2234 Hot!

"Understanding Grades and Grading" article for parents (en Español)
An article to share with Spanish-speaking parents that explains various grading systems used in schools today.
Downloads: 1388 Hot!

Participar cuenta: lo que los padres deben saber (artículo en español)
This printable PDF article is a great handout to share with Spanish-speaking parents about just why their involvement in school makes such a difference. "Involvement Matters: What Parents Should Know" in English is also available.
Este artículo imprimible en PDF es un excelente folleto para compartir con los padres con los padres que hablan español sobre por qué su participación en la escuela marca una diferencia tan grande. "Involvement Matters: What Parents Should Know" también está disponible en inglés.
Downloads: 2344 Hot!

"You Can Make a Difference" brochure (en Español)
Trifold pamphlet for parents, in Spanish, about why involvement matters.
Downloads: 2548 Hot!

Spanish Version 30 ct. Spring Insect/Bug Collection Sheet
Collection Sheet for Box Tops. 30 ct. on sheet. Spanish Version.
Downloads: 2317 Hot!

Winter 2010 Spanish Version Collection Sheet
Follow up of the Winter 2010 Collection Sheet in Spanish.
Downloads: 4535 Hot!

Box Tops For Education Parent Letter - Spanish
This is a Spanish version of the Box Tops for Education Parent Letter. It is set up for an Elementary School.
Downloads: 8353 Hot!

Spanish Product list from 2007
Last available Box Top Product list in spanish from 2007. It doesn't include the newest products but still effective to promote BT to the spanish com
Downloads: 2648 Hot!

Pre-summer invitation for Fall Pre-K students (bilingual Spanish/English)
An invitation for parents and students to visit the school and sign up for summer playdates for new Pre-K students.
Downloads: 3376 Hot!

Spanish - Budget Cuts Flyer for California
Customizable outreach form to get people the info they need to contact their elected officals and tell them not to steal from the kids of california t
Downloads: 1868 Hot!

Fundraising Thank You Letter - Spanish
Letter to recognize parents and volunteers and share fundraising results
Downloads: 4482 Hot!

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