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Meeting Agenda Template
An editable agenda template to customize and use for regular parent group meetings. The template can go to more than one page if needed; the last page has usage notes.

Email, Facebook, and More: E-Communications Handbook for Parent Groups
This guide for PTOs and PTAs outlines best practices for sending email, setting up accounts on Facebook/Twitter, what to include on a website, etc.

PTO Today: IRS Schedule O Completed Sample
Sample completed Schedule O for the 2021-22 tax year, filled in to reflect a typical K-8 school parent group. This completed sample supplements the IRS Form 990-EZ Completed Sample. More about Form 990-EZ, Schedule O, and this completed sample are in the Tax Return Toolkit, which also includes a Schedule O Line-by-Line Description. The latest versions and instructions for all IRS forms should be downloaded from the IRS website.

PTO Today: IRS Form 1023 Completed Sample
This IRS form has been filled in as an example of how a typical K-8 school parent group might complete the application. More information about IRS Form 1023 and this completed sample can be found in the PTO 501(c)(3) Toolkit, which includes line-by-line instructions for submitting the application. Note that the application itself can only be submitted electronically, however. The most recent version of this IRS form and its instructions should be downloaded from the IRS website.

PTO Today: Live Auction Bid Sheet (text only)
Simplified bid sheet form, no graphics included.

PTO Today: Month-by-Month Guide
Detailed planning checklist for PTA and PTO leaders; learn more about parent group leadership and planning in the Leader's Toolkit.

Annual Financial Review Guidelines (PDF)
PDF version of the step-by-step instructions for conducting an annual audit of your PTA or PTO, including a worksheet on the second page to help the volunteer auditor reconcile income and expenses for the year. (Fully editable Word version of these guidelines also available.) The guidelines and worksheet can be accompanied by the Volunteer Auditor Cover Letter. More information on annual audits can be found in the Treasurer's Toolkit.

PTO Today: IRS Schedule G Completed Sample
The 2021-22 tax year version of Schedule G, filled in to reflect a typical K-8 school parent group. This completed sample supplements the IRS Form 990-EZ Completed Sample. More about Form 990-EZ, Schedule G, and this completed sample are in the Tax Return Toolkit. Also in the Toolkit is a Schedule G Line-by-Line Description. The latest versions and instructions for all IRS forms should be downloaded from the IRS website.

PTO Today: Auction Underwriter Form
Customizable form to collect underwriting support from organizations for your PTO or PTA auction event.

PTO Today: Treasurer's Toolkit
PTO Today's comprehensive guide for parent group treasurers helps them manage their group's finances and keep funds secure. The toolkit includes guidance on all key financial steps, such as keeping accurate financial records, tips on smart budgeting, how to create a treasurer's report, and a checklist of important monthly tasks.

Annual Budget Samples With Descriptions
This sample budget has two separate sheets. The first has a sample budget with simplified expense categories; the second sheet has detailed expense categories. Both sheets have an income section and explanations for all categories. More details about these budgets are in the Treasurer's Toolkit.

Treasurer Support for Form 990-EZ
Detailed example of year-end financial info to support the completed samples of Form 990-EZ, Schedule A, Schedule G, and Schedule O for the 2022-23 tax year. More information about these year-end treasurer reports and annual filing with the IRS is in the Tax Return Toolkit.

PTO Today: IRS Schedule A Completed Sample
The 2021-22 tax year version of Schedule A, filled in to reflect a typical K-8 school parent group. This completed sample supplements the IRS Form 990-EZ Completed Sample. More about Form 990-EZ, Schedule A, and this completed sample are in the Tax Return Toolkit; the Toolkit also includes a Schedule A Line-by-Line Description. The latest versions and instructions for all IRS forms should be downloaded from the IRS website.

PTO Today: IRS Form 990-EZ Completed Sample
The 2021-22 tax year version of Form 990-EZ from the IRS, filled in to reflect a typical K-8 school parent group. This form is a review of one complete financial year and is often used in conjunction with Schedule A and Schedule G. More information about Form 990-EZ and this completed sample can be found in the Tax Return Toolkit, which also includes a Form 990-EZ Line-by-Line Description. The latest versions and instructions for all IRS forms should be downloaded from the IRS website.

Performance to Budget Report
Recommended outline of a monthly report showing the effect of all spending and income for the month on the actual budget categories. It answers questions such as “Did we make more money than planned on the fall fundraiser?” and “Do we have any extra money to replace the movie screen?” (The Treasurer Oral Report Outline can tell you how to present the information from this report at a meeting.) Use it in conjunction with the monthly Financial Activity Report for a complete picture of the parent group's finances. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.

Financial Activity Report
Sample listing of all financial transactions for the month and how they affect the bottom-line balance. The report is shared with the executive board only and includes all checks written, all deposits made, and any other transactions such as electronic debits for monthly fees. This is the recommended layout to use for a monthly treasurer’s report, according to Robert’s Rules of Order, and should be used in conjunction with the monthly Performance to Budget Report. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.

Checking Account Reconciliation Worksheet
An example of a typical form to reconcile recorded income and expenses against the monthly bank statement. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.

PTO Today: Miscellaneous Charge Form
Form for recording all non-check withdrawals from bank accounts. (See updated Miscellaneous Charge Form in Excel format instead.)

PTO Today: Deposit Split Form
If you'll be depositing money that will be allocated to several categories in your budget, facilitate record-keeping by using this form. It also makes it easier to verify the total cash count for a single bank deposit when the money is coming from several sources. (See updated Deposit Split Form in Excel format instead.)

Proposed Budget Worksheet
The last step in the budget planning process: After crunching the numbers on other budgeting worksheets, transfer your proposed categories and budget figures to this form to finalize the budget and present it to your fellow board members. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.
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