PTO Today Magazine Back to School 2019 - PDF download
Exclusive access for Plus members to read the Back to School 2019 issue of PTO Today anytime (even before it's mailed out)!

Volunteer Appreciation "Souper Volunteer" Tags
For a "souper" volunteer! Customize these tags with a volunteer's name and the name of your parent group, then attach to a soup-theme gift, such as a take-home container filled with homemade soup or chili. Four tags to a page.

Volunteer Appreciation Coffee Tags
Coffee's a crowd-pleaser! Print out these cute "Thanks a latte" tags and attach them to coffee gifts like bags of coffee, mugs, etc.

Volunteer Appreciation Flower Bag Tags
Flower bulbs are a perfect way to let volunteers know how they've helped your school grow! Affix this customizable "Thank you for helping ___ students grow this year" to a bag with some flower bulbs for a thoughtful way to say thanks.

Volunteer Appreciation Sock Tags
Everyone loves fuzzy socks—and being appreciated! Put together a cute and thoughtful gift for your volunteers by attaching these "You knock our socks off!" tags to pairs of fuzzy socks.

Volunteer Appreciation "Relax" Tags
Cute and colorful tags (6 per page) that say "Thanks for your help! Now it's time to relax." Attach to an assortment of relaxation-theme gifts like chocolate, bath bombs, etc.

Room Service Menu for Teacher Appreciation
Delivering treats right to teachers' doors is a guaranteed way to make them feel special! Use this "menu" to take their orders, or customize with whatever treats you'd like to offer.

Parent Handout: Promoting Fundraisers on Social Media
Send home this handout along with details about your school or parent group fundraiser. The tips will help parents make posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter that draw more attention.

PTO Today Magazine March/April 2019 - PDF download
Plus Members: Check out the March/April 2019 issue of PTO Today as a digital edition on your own time—no more sharing the school copy with your fellow board members!

School Playground Project Bid Evaluation Form
Editable form to compare multiple bids for your school playground project, from each vendor's years of experience to the features included in the proposed build.

PTO Today Magazine August 2018 - PDF download
Plus members: Enjoy access to the August 2018 issue of PTO Today as a digital edition on your own time! Most of the links in the PDF are clickable.

Sample Messages for Talking About Your Parent Group
Share these messages about parent involvement in emails, newsletters, social posts, and bulletin boards. Use them individually, or combine a few for a longer message.

Annual Financial Review Worksheet Template

PTO Treasurer Month-by-Month Checklist

“How We Support Our School” Template—Activities and Events
Customizable flyer to fill in with your events, activities, etc., for a visual representation of the many ways your group helps support your school. (Note: Flyer will print more colorfully than it appears on-screen after download.)

“How We Support Our School” Template—Fundraising
Customizable sheet to fill in with your fundraising information as a visual representation that lets your school community know where its hard-earned funds are going (and all the good they're doing). (Note: Flyer will print more colorfully than it appears on-screen after download.)

Homework Passes for Students
Customizable homework passes that can be used as a student incentive. Also, consider working with teachers to use the passes as a way to boost attendance at PTO meetings (parents may be more inclined to attend if they're not needed for helping with homework!).

"Teachers Like You" Gift Tags
Affix these sweet "Teachers like you make teaching look easy!" to a teacher appreciation goody bag or any teacher appreciation gift.

"Netflix and Grade" Teacher Appreciation Gift Tags
Encourage teachers to take a load off with these cute "Netflix and grade" tags that you can attach to red pens.

PTO Today Magazine March/April 2018 - PDF download
Plus Members: Check out the March/April 2018 issue of PTO Today as a digital edition on your own time—no more sharing the school copy with your fellow board members! (Hint: most of the links in the PDF are clickable.)
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