Grab a File:Middle School

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PTO Poster for Middle Schools

PTO Poster for Middle Schools

Customizable poster to help publicize your PTO at your middle school.
Downloads: 3058 Hot!
Casting Call from the Nominating Committee

Casting Call from the Nominating Committee

In an effort to fill our open board positions for next year I wrote this and emailed it to incoming 6th, 7th and 8th grade parents. The timing works s
Downloads: 7190 Hot!
Poster for Back to School Dance

Poster for Back to School Dance

Poster to promote fundraising dance for back to school. Goes with matching flyer, also in File Exchange.
Downloads: 2141 Hot!
Recruitment Form

Recruitment Form

Tell parents about your PTO and gather information with this two-part form
Downloads: 12135 Hot!
Membership Form for Parents

Membership Form for Parents

A Membership Form for our Middle School's PTSA
Downloads: 16951 Hot!
Dance Behavior Contract - Middle School

Dance Behavior Contract - Middle School

This is a behavior contract our school has students and parents sign before allowing purchase of dance tickets. It ensures that the students know we
Downloads: 6890 Hot!
Euchre Night Flyer, Middle School

Euchre Night Flyer, Middle School

Use this flyer to advertise and get rsvp's for Middle School PTO Euchre Night
Downloads: 3481 Hot!
PTO Today: Parent Involvement Toolkit

PTO Today: Parent Involvement Toolkit

Comprehensive guide to help build parent involvement at your school.
Downloads: 2599 Hot! plus iconMembers only ?
Dance - Activity  - Budget Tracking and Guest List

Dance - Activity - Budget Tracking and Guest List

This is an excel workbook, which you can use to enter your guests, funds received, and track expenses of multiple persons for a dance. This workbook
Downloads: 6489 Hot!
Student Sign-in Sheet

Student Sign-in Sheet

Contributed by Paul Zettler.
Downloads: 4446 Hot!

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