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PTO Poster for Middle Schools
Customizable poster to help publicize your PTO at your middle school.
Downloads: 3058 Hot!

Casting Call from the Nominating Committee
In an effort to fill our open board positions for next year I wrote this and emailed it to incoming 6th, 7th and 8th grade parents. The timing works s
Downloads: 7190 Hot!

Poster for Back to School Dance
Poster to promote fundraising dance for back to school. Goes with matching flyer, also in File Exchange.
Downloads: 2141 Hot!

Recruitment Form
Tell parents about your PTO and gather information with this two-part form
Downloads: 12135 Hot!

Dance Behavior Contract - Middle School
This is a behavior contract our school has students and parents sign before allowing purchase of dance tickets. It ensures that the students know we
Downloads: 6890 Hot!

Euchre Night Flyer, Middle School
Use this flyer to advertise and get rsvp's for Middle School PTO Euchre Night
Downloads: 3481 Hot!

PTO Today: Parent Involvement Toolkit
Comprehensive guide to help build parent involvement at your school.

Dance - Activity - Budget Tracking and Guest List
This is an excel workbook, which you can use to enter your guests, funds received, and track expenses of multiple persons for a dance. This workbook
Downloads: 6489 Hot!

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