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PTA/PTO Monthly Budget Worksheet

PTA/PTO Monthly Budget Worksheet

Downloads: 21719 Hot!
Simple Budget Worksheet-Excel

Simple Budget Worksheet-Excel

simple budget worksheet in Excel
Downloads: 12066 Hot!
PTO Today: Treasurer's Toolkit

PTO Today: Treasurer's Toolkit

PTO Today's comprehensive guide for parent group treasurers helps them manage their group's finances and keep funds secure. The toolkit includes guidance on all key financial steps, such as keeping accurate financial records, tips on smart budgeting, how to create a treasurer's report, and a checklist of important monthly tasks.
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Annual Budget Samples With Descriptions

Annual Budget Samples With Descriptions

This sample budget has two separate sheets. The first has a sample budget with simplified expense categories; the second sheet has detailed expense categories. Both sheets have an income section and explanations for all categories. More details about these budgets are in the Treasurer's Toolkit.
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Performance to Budget Report

Performance to Budget Report

Recommended outline of a monthly report showing the effect of all spending and income for the month on the actual budget categories. It answers questions such as “Did we make more money than planned on the fall fundraiser?” and “Do we have any extra money to replace the movie screen?” (The Treasurer Oral Report Outline can tell you how to present the information from this report at a meeting.) Use it in conjunction with the monthly Financial Activity Report for a complete picture of the parent group's finances. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.
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Financial Activity Report

Financial Activity Report

Sample listing of all financial transactions for the month and how they affect the bottom-line balance. The report is shared with the executive board only and includes all checks written, all deposits made, and any other transactions such as electronic debits for monthly fees. This is the recommended layout to use for a monthly treasurer’s report, according to Robert’s Rules of Order, and should be used in conjunction with the monthly Performance to Budget Report. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.
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Proposed Budget Worksheet

Proposed Budget Worksheet

The last step in the budget planning process: After crunching the numbers on other budgeting worksheets, transfer your proposed categories and budget figures to this form to finalize the budget and present it to your fellow board members. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.
Downloads: 897 plus iconMembers only ?
Budget Comparison Worksheet

Budget Comparison Worksheet

Compare financial activity over several years to refine your group's budget. List the income and expense categories from your existing budget, then insert the actual amount of money spent or raised by the end of each year. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.
Downloads: 401 plus iconMembers only ?
Budget Actual History Worksheet

Budget Actual History Worksheet

After using Budget Category Transaction Worksheets, transfer the categories and total amounts to this worksheet to calculate the difference between Total Income and Total Expenses. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.
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Budget Sample Categories Worksheet

Budget Sample Categories Worksheet

A starter list of categories that can be used when setting up a new budget. There's no right or wrong number or name for budget categories; these are just some examples to start with. From the Treasurer's Toolkit and the Startup Toolkit.
Downloads: 797 plus iconMembers only ?
Budget Category Transaction Worksheet

Budget Category Transaction Worksheet

Groups with spending histories can use copies of this form to analyze spending and identify budget categories before setting up a new budget. List check register transactions on copies of the worksheet, divided by category. After the analysis is complete, each worksheet will become a category in the new budget. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.
Downloads: 1155 Hot! plus iconMembers only ?
Volunteer Auditor Cover Letter

Volunteer Auditor Cover Letter

This customizable letter gets sent to someone who has volunteered to conduct an annual financial review or audit for your PTO or PTA. It outlines the financial review process and should be sent along with the Annual Financial Review Guidelines. From the Tax Return Toolkit.
Downloads: 1085 Hot! plus iconMembers only ?
Elementary School Budget Template

Elementary School Budget Template

Detailed Elementary School Budget.
Downloads: 22358 Hot!
Financial Risk Assessment Checklist

Financial Risk Assessment Checklist

A yearly checklist to help your PTO executive board assess the group’s financial security. Over time, the goal is to have each item on the list rated low risk rather than high risk. Learn more about managing school parent group finances in the Treasurer's Toolkit and the Leader's Toolkit.
Downloads: 4777 Hot!
PTO Today: Budget Sample

PTO Today: Budget Sample

Updated sample of a detailed PTO or PTA budget; more info on budgeting can be found in the PTO Leader's Toolkit and the PTO Treasurer's Toolkit.
Downloads: 508 plus iconMembers only ?
PTO Today: Profit and Loss Sample Statement

PTO Today: Profit and Loss Sample Statement

Customizable auction income and expenses worksheet.
Downloads: 439 plus iconMembers only ?
PTO Today: Auction Event Budget Worksheet

PTO Today: Auction Event Budget Worksheet

Budget spreadsheet for auction and other events.
Downloads: 694 plus iconMembers only ?
Committee Budget Form

Committee Budget Form

Budget Projection form for committees - all fields can be customized
Downloads: 13985 Hot!
Dance - Activity  - Budget Tracking and Guest List

Dance - Activity - Budget Tracking and Guest List

This is an excel workbook, which you can use to enter your guests, funds received, and track expenses of multiple persons for a dance. This workbook
Downloads: 6455 Hot!


Our budget as submitted to our members for approval.
Downloads: 4865 Hot!

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