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December Box Tops Buzz (single)
Single December Box Tops Buzz
This monthly download is a great way to keep school supporters up on Box Tops news, promotions and events.
Downloads: 1882 Hot!
Box Tops 1,2,3 synopsis w/product list on reverse side. 3 per sheet
In the shape of a bookmark, printed front and back. Lists the the 3 steps to collecting Box Tops with a product list on the reverse side.
Downloads: 6742 Hot!
Twas the start of summer vacation poem
Here is my modified version of the 'Twas almost the start of summer vacation poem.
Downloads: 11324 Hot!
Box Top Collection Goal Progress "Ruler"
Want to show how much progress you've made toward your Box Top collection goal? Here is a "ruler graphic" which you can edit to show how much you've
Downloads: 4728 Hot!
1/2 page parents flyer -great!
Perfect 1/2 sheet flyer to get parents and students motivated and provide the information they need!
Downloads: 4070 Hot!
PTA sponsored contest, the each class will collect box tops the three class that collect the most box tops will win the following, 1st prize pizzaa an
Downloads: 4095 Hot!
BT Free Samples Poster
Poster for handing out free samples of products that contain box top coupons. Poster is used to ask for email sign up to the box top website.
Downloads: 1665 Hot!
Box Top Baggie Insert ~ 4 per page UPDATED for Font
4 per page insert that goes into baggies to send home with students. These fit nicely in the Ziploc sandwich baggies!
Downloads: 26287 Hot!
Box Tops Pizza Party Sept/Oct
This is a poster announcing a Box Tops collection contest for a pizza party. This is for the October 2008 deadline.
Downloads: 2620 Hot!
Drive for 5 contest
I did this on 1/2 sheet landscape that way you could fit 2 to a page. I included the register online info for my other contest to try to get more peop
Downloads: 3951 Hot!
BT Ziploc Insert Flyer
Insert that goes in ziplocs to send home for box top collections. - 2 per page.
Downloads: 2674 Hot!
Target 30 Bonus - Language from the packet sent by Target
This is the one page of promotional language that came with the recent Target promo sent to some coordinators. It is intended to give you an idea - d
Downloads: 2770 Hot!
Target 30 Pt. Bonus, one page
This is a reduced collection form for the Target Bonus. Valid thru 10/31/2008
Downloads: 2080 Hot!
parents contest for signing up/enrolling online
Contest for parents to get them to signup online
Downloads: 7259 Hot!
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