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Flyer for Box Tops week collection bin
I edited the form flyer to send in a blast email to everyone on the home owner's association email list.
Downloads: 4539 Hot!

Box Tops Earnings Potential Flyer
Box Tops for Education Earnings Potential Flyer
A great break down and visual to see the earnings your school could make collecting Box Tops!
Downloads: 3371 Hot!

Flashlight Labels
These are the buses from btfe clipart and can be put on Avery labels. I stick them on the small white flashlights from Oriental Trading.
Downloads: 1560 Hot!

Goal Thermometer with Box Tops
This is a Goal Thermometer we will be using this school year.
Downloads: 6853 Hot!

Walmart Summer Flyer
This flyer has a list of products with bonus box tops attached for the summer/back-to-school promotion.
Downloads: 1979 Hot!

Box Tops for Education Spreadsheet 2013 Edition (Revised)
New improve version with "Boys vs Girls" tabs, updated calculator, up to 30 classes per grade.
Downloads: 11355 Hot!

BTFE Counting sheets - One page and two page version
This is a great way to count to 50 Box Tops when you are preparing your shipment. I printed mine on card stock and then laminated at Staples for $2.No
Downloads: 4412 Hot!

BTFE and LFE Welcome letter with promotions and products
BTFE and LFE welcome letter with promotions, directions, and products.
Downloads: 6777 Hot!

Current eBoxTops and Labels for Education promotions as of 8/24/2012 v2
Current eBoxTops and Labels for Education promotions
Downloads: 1607 Hot!

Box Tops for Education Promotions 8-24-2012
Promotions for Box Tops for Education 8-24-2012. Promotions change as time goes on, so this might not say accurate for very long.
Downloads: 1363 Hot!

Marketplace Retailers List
Flyer that lists marketplace retailers for your parents, teachers, staff and community. This will help some to realize all the retailers involved in
Downloads: 2586 Hot!

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