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BTFE and LFE Welcome letter with promotions and products
BTFE and LFE welcome letter with promotions, directions, and products.
Downloads: 6782 Hot!

Current eBoxTops and Labels for Education promotions as of 8/24/2012 v2
Current eBoxTops and Labels for Education promotions
Downloads: 1610 Hot!

Labels for Education Participating Products List
Comprehensive list of all participating Labels for Education products for 2011-12.
Downloads: 2141 Hot!

Labels for Education Labels for America Overview
"Labels for America" informational flyer to send home with students.
Downloads: 1482 Hot!

Labels for Education Backpack Stuffer
Two-per-page Labels for Education request for participation flyer that goes into backpacks to send home with students.
Downloads: 2315 Hot!

e-Labels for Education Overview
e-Labels for Education informational flyer to send home with students.
Downloads: 1899 Hot!

e-Labels for Education Backpack Stuffer
Two-per-page informational flyer on the e-Labels for Education program, to send home in students’ backpacks.
Downloads: 2095 Hot!

Campbell's Labels for America participation form 2010-11
Campbell's Labels for America participation form 2010-11 converted to Word.
Downloads: 2030 Hot!

LFE 10-11 success tips bonus offer
Word Version of the 2010-2011 Campbell's Labels for Education Success Tips Bonus offer so you can type your info.
Downloads: 1576 Hot!

Labels for Education Submission Form (2010)
Word version of Labels for America form. Uses table cells for entry.
Downloads: 2944 Hot!

Campbell's Labels for America form 09-10 / Word format
Campbell's Labels for America form / Word format
Downloads: 1601 Hot!
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