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Meeting Agenda Sample

Meeting Agenda Sample

This sample agenda is based on a complete set of sample meeting minutes and outlines what an actual meeting agenda template might look like for your parent group meetings.
Downloads: 13876 Hot!
School Playground Planning Guide (PDF download)

School Playground Planning Guide (PDF download)

This guide walks you through all the important steps in planning and executing your playground project.
Downloads: 1408 Hot!
Family Movie Night Planning Kit

Family Movie Night Planning Kit

Planning and hosting a Family Movie Night is easy with our free kit. Download step-by-step planning guidelines, flyers, theme and snack ideas, and more. (Free; registration required)
Downloads: 11285 Hot!
Complete Sample Bylaws in Spanish (Ejemplo Completo de Reglamentos)

Complete Sample Bylaws in Spanish (Ejemplo Completo de Reglamentos)

Complete set of sample bylaws for a PTO, including the IRS-required conflict of interest policy, translated for Spanish-speaking parent groups. Complete sample bylaws in English also available.
Downloads: 5022 Hot!
Supply Checklist for Teacher Appreciation

Supply Checklist for Teacher Appreciation

Printable form to calculate how many supplies you’ll need for staff appreciation efforts.
Downloads: 18246 Hot!
Conversation-Starters for PTO Meetings

Conversation-Starters for PTO Meetings

Questions like "How long have you lived in our town?" can help break the ice at PTO meetings. Sheet contains eight printed questions and six blank tags to write in questions, if desired.
Downloads: 13184 Hot!
Volunteer Appreciation Word Cloud Poster

Volunteer Appreciation Word Cloud Poster

Sweet word cloud poster you can print and hang (or distribute) to show appreciation for your parent group's volunteers.
Downloads: 3864 Hot!
PTO Minutes Approval Process

PTO Minutes Approval Process

Step-by-step instructions for approving your group's meeting minutes.
Downloads: 19075 Hot!
PTO Today: IRS Form 1023-EZ Completed Sample

PTO Today: IRS Form 1023-EZ Completed Sample

Completed example of the streamlined application for tax-exempt status, reflecting a typical K-8 PTO; more information about IRS Form 1023-EZ and this completed sample can be found in the PTO 501(c)(3) Toolkit, which includes line-by-line instructions for submitting the electronic application. Note that the application itself can only be submitted electronically, however. The most recent version and its instructions should be downloaded from the IRS website.
Downloads: 419 plus iconMembers only ?
Robert's Rules 101 Tip Sheet

Robert's Rules 101 Tip Sheet

Print this full-color sheet of quick tips on Robert's Rules to help keep your meetings on track.
Downloads: 63408 Hot!
PTO Today: Secretary's Toolkit

PTO Today: Secretary's Toolkit

PTO Today's comprehensive guide for parent group secretaries, including duties divided by corresponding and recording secretary, information on preparing a meeting agenda and taking minutes, writing thank-you letters, communicating with members via newsletter, social media, and the web, and more. See the Secretary's Toolkit contents list for more information, or purchase a copy of the Secretary's Toolkit if you're not a Plus member.
Downloads: 2019 Hot! plus iconMembers only ?
Meeting Announcements, August-June (Spanish)

Meeting Announcements, August-June (Spanish)

Seasonal meeting announcements in Spanish for each month of the school year.
Downloads: 200 plus iconMembers only ?
Meeting Announcements, August-June (English)

Meeting Announcements, August-June (English)

Seasonal meeting announcements for each month of the school year.
Downloads: 493 plus iconMembers only ?
Thank-You Letter for Volunteers

Thank-You Letter for Volunteers

An editable letter to let parents and community members know that their participation in your parent group's event made a difference.
Downloads: 477 plus iconMembers only ?
Thank-You Letter for Business Donors

Thank-You Letter for Business Donors

An editable letter to send to businesses that donate goods or services to your parent group.
Downloads: 6083 Hot!
Welcome Letter for Parents

Welcome Letter for Parents

Use this editable letter as a starting point to welcome parents new to your school and your parent group.
Downloads: 1147 Hot! plus iconMembers only ?
Meeting Minutes Template

Meeting Minutes Template

An editable outline for putting together the minutes from school PTO or PTA meetings. The outline is on two pages; it can be shortened to one page or go longer as needed.
Downloads: 640 plus iconMembers only ?
Meeting Agenda Template

Meeting Agenda Template

An editable agenda template to customize and use for regular parent group meetings. The template can go to more than one page if needed; the last page has usage notes.
Downloads: 1001 Hot! plus iconMembers only ?
Sample General Meeting Minutes

Sample General Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes from an actual PTO meeting. Use them as a guide to create your own minutes.
Downloads: 82884 Hot!
PTO Today: Teacher Appreciation Word Cloud Poster

PTO Today: Teacher Appreciation Word Cloud Poster

Colorful poster with a heart-shaped word cloud to print and hang during Teacher Appreciation Week (and other times).
Downloads: 20855 Hot!

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