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Family Reading Night Planning Kit
Planning and hosting a Family Reading Night is easy with our free kit. Download step-by-step planning guidelines, flyers, activity and snack ideas, and more. (Free; registration required)
Downloads: 3343 Hot!

Five Finger Rule - Choosing a "Just Right" Book
I created a flyer of the "Five Finger Rule" for choosing a Just Right Book for our school's read-a-thon.
Downloads: 1837 Hot!

General Book Fair Flyer
We posted this simple invitation to our bookfair in business windows around town.
Downloads: 5377 Hot!

Family Event Cost Model Template
This is a blank Excel worksheet that can be customized for your PTO or PTA event, to keep track of projected costs and income as well as actual costs and income when the event is finished. Read "Figuring Finances for Events" for more information on how to create a cost model analysis.
Downloads: 8914 Hot!

Book Review Form
1-2 weeks before our Book Fairs, we distribute 6-10 books to each of the classrooms for select students to preview. These forms allow for a uniform b
Downloads: 3423 Hot!

Book Fair - Master Sign Up Forms
Forms were mounted on poster board and displayed with a flyer in the school foyer so parents could sign up for shifts. Could be used for other events.
Downloads: 6668 Hot!

Program and Event Plan & Eval Form
Event planning and evaluation form. Helps volunteers running the event in the future to know what to plan for.
Downloads: 5391 Hot!

Post-Event Evaluation Form
Here's a fairly down-and-dirty version of a post-event evaluation. Idea is for leaders to email this file to event chairs for event chairs to complete. Then completed form is retained for next year's leaders (and so on).
Downloads: 23894 Hot!

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