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PTO Today: Tax Return Toolkit
This comprehensive guide for school parent groups will help the treasurer or other key volunteer with completing the annual information returns for the IRS accurately. The toolkit includes general guidance as well as line-by-line descriptions and completed samples. See the Tax Return Toolkit contents list for more information.

PTO Today: IRS Form 990-N Line-by-Line Description
Detailed explanations for a typical K-8 school parent group with gross receipts of less than $50,000, filling out IRS Form 990-N. More information about Form 990-N is in the Tax Return Toolkit. The latest versions and instructions for all IRS forms should be downloaded from the IRS website.
Downloads: 393

PTO Today: IRS Schedule O Line-by-Line Description
Detailed explanations for a typical K-8 school parent group filling out IRS Schedule O, to supplement IRS Form 990-EZ. More about Form 990-EZ and Schedule O are in the Tax Return Toolkit. The latest versions and instructions for all IRS forms should be downloaded from the IRS website.
Downloads: 2451 Hot!

PTO Today: IRS Schedule O Completed Sample
Sample completed Schedule O for the 2021-22 tax year, filled in to reflect a typical K-8 school parent group. This completed sample supplements the IRS Form 990-EZ Completed Sample. More about Form 990-EZ, Schedule O, and this completed sample are in the Tax Return Toolkit, which also includes a Schedule O Line-by-Line Description. The latest versions and instructions for all IRS forms should be downloaded from the IRS website.

PTO Today: IRS Schedule G Line-by-Line Description
Detailed explanations for a typical K-8 school parent group filling out IRS Schedule G, to supplement IRS Form 990-EZ. More about Form 990-EZ and Schedule G are in the Tax Return Toolkit. The latest versions and instructions for all IRS forms should be downloaded from the IRS website.
Downloads: 2343 Hot!

PTO Today: IRS Schedule A Line-by-Line Description
Detailed explanations for a typical K-8 school parent group filling out IRS Schedule A, to supplement IRS Form 990-EZ. More about Form 990-EZ and Schedule A are in the Tax Return Toolkit. The latest versions and instructions for all IRS forms should be downloaded from the IRS website.
Downloads: 2627 Hot!

Chart: Where To Include Fundraiser Info on Form 990-EZ
Not sure which line of Form 990-EZ the carnival expenses get added to, or whether to include the candy sale fundraiser proceeds on Schedule G? We've included some of the most common types of revenue-generating activities for PTOs and PTAs, noting where each one gets reported on IRS Form 990-EZ, Schedule A, and Schedule G. From the Tax Return Toolkit.
Downloads: 4390 Hot!

PTO Today: IRS Schedule G Completed Sample
The 2021-22 tax year version of Schedule G, filled in to reflect a typical K-8 school parent group. This completed sample supplements the IRS Form 990-EZ Completed Sample. More about Form 990-EZ, Schedule G, and this completed sample are in the Tax Return Toolkit. Also in the Toolkit is a Schedule G Line-by-Line Description. The latest versions and instructions for all IRS forms should be downloaded from the IRS website.

MA Form PC (fillable PDF)
Massachusetts Form PC (fillable PDF) -- annual report for the Attorney General's office
Downloads: 3817 Hot!

MA Annual Report for Charities (fillable PDF)
MA Annual Report for Charities (fillable PDF)
Downloads: 2080 Hot!

Treasurer Support for Form 990-EZ
Detailed example of year-end financial info to support the completed samples of Form 990-EZ, Schedule A, Schedule G, and Schedule O for the 2022-23 tax year. More information about these year-end treasurer reports and annual filing with the IRS is in the Tax Return Toolkit.

PTO Today: IRS Form 990-EZ Line-by-Line Description
Detailed explanations for a typical K-8 school parent group filling out IRS Form 990-EZ. More about Form 990-EZ is in the Tax Return Toolkit. The latest versions and instructions for all IRS forms should be downloaded from the IRS website.
Downloads: 7657 Hot!

PTO Today: IRS Schedule A Completed Sample
The 2021-22 tax year version of Schedule A, filled in to reflect a typical K-8 school parent group. This completed sample supplements the IRS Form 990-EZ Completed Sample. More about Form 990-EZ, Schedule A, and this completed sample are in the Tax Return Toolkit; the Toolkit also includes a Schedule A Line-by-Line Description. The latest versions and instructions for all IRS forms should be downloaded from the IRS website.

PTO Today: IRS Form 990-EZ Completed Sample
The 2021-22 tax year version of Form 990-EZ from the IRS, filled in to reflect a typical K-8 school parent group. This form is a review of one complete financial year and is often used in conjunction with Schedule A and Schedule G. More information about Form 990-EZ and this completed sample can be found in the Tax Return Toolkit, which also includes a Form 990-EZ Line-by-Line Description. The latest versions and instructions for all IRS forms should be downloaded from the IRS website.

PTO Today: IRS Decision Flow Chart
Easy-to-read chart to help determine whether your group should become a federally recognized nonprofit group, and if so, how much it might cost and which annual return to file. Part of the Leader’s Toolkit.
Downloads: 3118 Hot!
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