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Annual Financial Review Worksheet Template

Annual Financial Review Worksheet Template

Provide this worksheet along with the Annual Financial Review Guidelines to help your volunteer auditor conduct a thorough audit of your parent group's finances each year. From the Tax Return Toolkit.
Downloads: 13446 Hot!
PTO Treasurer Month-by-Month Checklist

PTO Treasurer Month-by-Month Checklist

Year-round list of tasks for parent group treasurers, divided by month. Add your own tasks, too! From the Treasurer's Toolkit.
Downloads: 888 plus iconMembers only ?
Check Request Form (Excel)

Check Request Form (Excel)

A fully editable and customizable spreadsheet form for checks needed to pay reimbursements and bills. Volunteers only need to complete the shaded areas. Part of the Treasurer's Toolkit.
Downloads: 843 plus iconMembers only ?
Deposit Split Form (Excel)

Deposit Split Form (Excel)

If you'll be depositing money that will be allocated to several categories in your budget, make record-keeping easier by using this fully editable and customizable spreadsheet form. It also makes it easier to verify the total cash count for a single bank deposit when the money is coming from several sources. Formulas are already filled in, so volunteers only need to complete the shaded areas. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.
Downloads: 550 plus iconMembers only ?
Miscellaneous Charge Form (Excel)

Miscellaneous Charge Form (Excel)

A fully editable and customizable spreadsheet form to to record all non-check transactions that take money from your account. Examples include paying for a new box of checks, bounced check fees, and monthly bank account service fees. Because these charges are often known before they show up in your account, this form can also notify your group of upcoming financial activity. Volunteers only need to complete the shaded areas. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.
Downloads: 481 plus iconMembers only ?
Cash Box Request Form (Excel)

Cash Box Request Form (Excel)

A fully editable and customizable spreadsheet form to keep track of committee chair requests for money to have on hand at an event. Formulas are already filled in, so volunteers only need to complete the shaded areas. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.
Downloads: 10241 Hot!
Deposit Notice Form (Excel)

Deposit Notice Form (Excel)

A fully editable and customizable spreadsheet form for detailing cash and checks included in a given bank deposit. Formulas are already filled in, so volunteers only need to complete the shaded areas. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.
Downloads: 12864 Hot!
Reimbursement Request Form (Excel)

Reimbursement Request Form (Excel)

A fully editable and customizable spreadsheet form that members can use to request reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses. Volunteers complete the shaded areas. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.
Downloads: 20318 Hot!
PTO Today: IRS Schedule O Line-by-Line Description

PTO Today: IRS Schedule O Line-by-Line Description

Detailed explanations for a typical K-8 school parent group filling out IRS Schedule O, to supplement IRS Form 990-EZ. More about Form 990-EZ and Schedule O are in the Tax Return Toolkit. The latest versions and instructions for all IRS forms should be downloaded from the IRS website.
Downloads: 2465 Hot!
PTO Today: IRS Schedule O Completed Sample

PTO Today: IRS Schedule O Completed Sample

Sample completed Schedule O for the 2021-22 tax year, filled in to reflect a typical K-8 school parent group. This completed sample supplements the IRS Form 990-EZ Completed Sample. More about Form 990-EZ, Schedule O, and this completed sample are in the Tax Return Toolkit, which also includes a Schedule O Line-by-Line Description. The latest versions and instructions for all IRS forms should be downloaded from the IRS website.
Downloads: 1720 Hot! plus iconMembers only ?
PTO Record-Retention Rules

PTO Record-Retention Rules

How long should you keep the monthly treasurer reports? What about canceled bank checks or the yearly Form 990-EZ information returns? This checklist is based on IRS rules and includes guidelines for some of the most common types of PTO and PTA paperwork.
Downloads: 20139 Hot!
PTO Today: IRS Schedule G Line-by-Line Description

PTO Today: IRS Schedule G Line-by-Line Description

Detailed explanations for a typical K-8 school parent group filling out IRS Schedule G, to supplement IRS Form 990-EZ. More about Form 990-EZ and Schedule G are in the Tax Return Toolkit. The latest versions and instructions for all IRS forms should be downloaded from the IRS website.
Downloads: 2359 Hot!
PTO Today: IRS Schedule A Line-by-Line Description

PTO Today: IRS Schedule A Line-by-Line Description

Detailed explanations for a typical K-8 school parent group filling out IRS Schedule A, to supplement IRS Form 990-EZ. More about Form 990-EZ and Schedule A are in the Tax Return Toolkit. The latest versions and instructions for all IRS forms should be downloaded from the IRS website.
Downloads: 2658 Hot!
Chart: Where To Include Fundraiser Info on Form 990-EZ

Chart: Where To Include Fundraiser Info on Form 990-EZ

Not sure which line of Form 990-EZ the carnival expenses get added to, or whether to include the candy sale fundraiser proceeds on Schedule G? We've included some of the most common types of revenue-generating activities for PTOs and PTAs, noting where each one gets reported on IRS Form 990-EZ, Schedule A, and Schedule G. From the Tax Return Toolkit.
Downloads: 4403 Hot!
PTO Today: IRS Schedule G Completed Sample

PTO Today: IRS Schedule G Completed Sample

The 2021-22 tax year version of Schedule G, filled in to reflect a typical K-8 school parent group. This completed sample supplements the IRS Form 990-EZ Completed Sample. More about Form 990-EZ, Schedule G, and this completed sample are in the Tax Return Toolkit. Also in the Toolkit is a Schedule G Line-by-Line Description. The latest versions and instructions for all IRS forms should be downloaded from the IRS website.
Downloads: 216 plus iconMembers only ?
Family Event Cost Model Template

Family Event Cost Model Template

This is a blank Excel worksheet that can be customized for your PTO or PTA event, to keep track of projected costs and income as well as actual costs and income when the event is finished. Read "Figuring Finances for Events" for more information on how to create a cost model analysis.
Downloads: 8971 Hot!
Treasurer Oral Report Outline

Treasurer Oral Report Outline

Quick guide to giving the oral treasurer's report at your monthly PTO meeting, to explain the Performance to Budget Report. From the Treasurer's Toolkit.
Downloads: 11398 Hot!
PTO Today: Treasurer's Toolkit

PTO Today: Treasurer's Toolkit

PTO Today's comprehensive guide for parent group treasurers helps them manage their group's finances and keep funds secure. The toolkit includes guidance on all key financial steps, such as keeping accurate financial records, tips on smart budgeting, how to create a treasurer's report, and a checklist of important monthly tasks.
Downloads: 6748 Hot! plus iconMembers only ?
Annual Budget Samples With Descriptions

Annual Budget Samples With Descriptions

This sample budget has two separate sheets. The first has a sample budget with simplified expense categories; the second sheet has detailed expense categories. Both sheets have an income section and explanations for all categories. More details about these budgets are in the Treasurer's Toolkit.
Downloads: 1093 Hot! plus iconMembers only ?
Treasurer Support for Form 990-EZ

Treasurer Support for Form 990-EZ

Detailed example of year-end financial info to support the completed samples of Form 990-EZ, Schedule A, Schedule G, and Schedule O for the 2022-23 tax year. More information about these year-end treasurer reports and annual filing with the IRS is in the Tax Return Toolkit.
Downloads: 706 plus iconMembers only ?

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