did you get 10 tickets? Did you request that directly? I see most people saying that they got 4 park hoppers. We have only been able to get 2 tickets in the past each year for 4 years. UGH...
I'm not seeing much for California. Have you found anything that is pretty special? I feel like for the past 4 years, we do the same and get the same and well....the parents and guests have stopped responding as well....I need ideas in a big bad
If you still have your list can you send it to me? I am in central NJ. Thanks This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
How do you use the Disney passes as an auction item if you aren't approved until after the event? I have done everything online and just have the photos left after the event but am hesitant to auction off any tickets before we have them.