If you go to the beginning of this thread, you will see a number of posts that include lists shared by community members. The posts include names of companies and links to those company's websites.
I got a donation by sending an email to this address at Rack Room. You must have an event flyer an 501c 3
Hope it works for you
This is my first event for a children's/community theatre in VA/DC. I got suckered into being in charge but the posts here are so helpful. Have no idea how you keep post KLM each year. No way to find their donation form lol.
Hello i have a question my organization for youth just received our determination letter in December 2015 since our organization is not listed yet it's been very hard to request donation for our organization what is plan B
This is the first year we are receiving Jet Bue tickets (3rd year applying) BUT the reason I believe we are receiving the tickets is because we have a travel company donating 2-tickets for the land-portion of a tour in Europe. Likely Jet Blue wanted to be associated with that kind of company / fundraiser.