Just wanted to share some ideas that we've had success with for getting LOCAL donations besides the usual local businesses. Try soliciting:
* Businesses that deal with your school, for ex. your cafeteria service, school lawyer, accountant, contractors, bus company, etc.
* Businesses that school families own...may seem obvious, but people just need to be asked
* Businesses you and your committee deal with...e.g. the company you/spouse work for, your accountant, dentist (may give an electric toothbrush system or a g.c. for a laser whitening treatment), mechanic, the clown you hired for your child's party, etc.
* Sometimes I solicit businesses that solicit ME...LOL If I get a card in my personal mail for a local landscaper, accountant, doctor, I call and thank them for letting me know about their service and ask them if they would like to donate to our tricky tray.
* Local businesses that do not have merchandise to offer, e.g. an electrician, often give monetary donations which we can then use toward a prize and we of course thank them in the program
* Independent consultants in the area for companies like Pampered Chef, Silpada, Creative Memories, Tastefully Simple, Mary Kay, etc. Just look up the company website then find a local consultant and contact them. They may give a g.c. and/or merchandise plus their catalog and business card. It's good business for them too!
* Local American Legion or Lions Club
* Nearby YMCAs and town pools (e.g. summer family membership)
* Local college or semi-pro sports teams
Make sure you put in your letter how the donor will be thanked/acknowledged and how participating in your event will BENEFIT them as well. And tell them what's special about your event.
Lastly, make sure you let your entire school, faculty included, the many ways they can support this event, such as donating any unused/new items they may have, spreading the word (advertising), buying tickets/attending the event, volunteering to help at the event, etc. I find that building great relationships all year long w/parents and faculty has an indirect result in that they want to volunteer for this event, and often go out of their way to also donate. Of course, I'm happy w/the great relationship part...but once they get involved, they want to be MORE involved because we are very welcoming and appreciative all year long and truly value them as people.
And definitely THANK your volunteers, donors (we mail postcards after the event), and everyone else who helped.
Good luck!