I think I may have bitten off more than I could chew. My daughter is in kindergarten and came home with the monthly newsletter seeking volunteers to put together a family reading night. If no one volunteered it was going to be cancelled.
Please help me out here and let me know if I am going in the right direction or not!? I guess there may not really be a wrong way?
I am going with the theme "Oh, the places you'll go" Dr. Seuss
I was thinking our guest reader could read this book a half an hour before the event ended.
Then I was thinking about making book marks and having goodies set up. This is being run along with the book fair so I don't want too much madness.
Is it wrong to ask parents to bring a book to read to their children?
Then I was wanting to have some of the other Dr. Seuss books set up with local businesses? Like maybe a dentist handing out toothbrushes with the Tooth Book?
Looking for more ideas! Any and all would be appreciated! Please email me at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. unless there is a way to reply here!?

Thanks much!