Can someone from the local BSA council ban an adult troop member for being rude on a phone message when they asked WHY THEIR NAME WAS CROSSED OFF THE re-charter??
This is obviously a complex issue involving multiple parties. The chartering organization is responsible for selecting the membership of that troop. It can renew current leaders, add new leaders, or drop existing leaders at its pleasure. You may wish to contact the chartering organization to find out why you were removed. They would have been responsible for completing and submitting the charter with your name removed. If you are unsuccessful in communicating with the chartering organization, contact the local Scout office and ask to speak to the district executive regarding the matter.
Why does the Boys Scouts need a Charter? If you have a safe meeting place why do you need a Charter? Also I am told that if you have a trailer and all the the equipment, I am told it belongs to the Charter who only pay $20 a year and are not required to do anything else other than a safe meeting place. Sounds fishy to me.
The chartering organization is required to do many things in addition to providing a meeting place, including select and approve adult leadership. The responsibilities are reviewed with them yearly and their executive officer or appointee acknowledges them with the BSA. A troop, pack, etc. is not an entity on its own. It cannot, therefore, own property, license a vehicle, title a trailer, solicit donations, or sign a contract, for example.