We've discussed this several times in the past (couldn't find the good links), and I know lots of PTOs and PTAs do do this, but I would definitely hesitate.
I still don't get why scouts operate this way. They're the only org. I've ever heard needing this kind of chartering organization. The Elks or the little league don't need a differetn, unrelated non-profit to charter them.
I don't know for a fact there are legal implications, but I certainly suspect that this type of annual charter relationship could spread some liability and risk to your group. It sure feels like an official relationship.
This doesn't mean scouts are bad (and if you decline to charter the scouts it doesn't mean you think scouts are bad), but the PTO has its own functions and goals that keep you very busy. You don't charter the local cancer society or senior center -- and they're great org's too.
My advice is for the scouts to adjust their policies to work more like nearly every other local do-good org. I advise caution here.
Yes we charter our boy scout troop at our school. We've been doing it for years without any incident. In the beginning of the school year I must sign documents relating to possible troop leaders and submit to a background check. Otherwise, I don't hear from them for the rest of the year
Has anyone ever dealt with this...? Our PFO has recently been asked to charter a new Boy Scout pack at our school. Are there any ramifications to our organization for doing this? Will it affect our non-profit status? Would love some advice!