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Creating a new bylaw commity

17 years 3 weeks ago #139077 by Angie5
I don't know how PTO differs from PTA but we are a PTA and our bylaws actually have to be reviewed and resubmitted to the State PTA every 3 years. We just did this last month and we just put out a notice that anyone that was interested in sitting in on the meeting to go over the bylaws and discuss changes should be at whatever place at whatever time. We had the entire board there plus a few teachers and a few other PTA members. We all went through the bylaws line by line together and discussed any changes that should be made. I brought the revised version home to retype and will present it to the group one more time for approval before sending it off to the State PTA. This works very well for us. The whole thing is on a volunteer basis. No one is assigned to this committee.
17 years 3 weeks ago #139076 by mamafisher
Our PTO has had some issues with our President from the time that she has been elected till now.(which has been one year) The problems are all about her control issues. There are only 5 people on the board along with the principal and teacher rep. 3 out of the 5 parent board members are her only friends and stick behind her solidly.
Because of bylaw misconceptions several parents have asked for the creation of a bylaw committee to revise the current bylaws. The president was not at all happy because if this is done then voting rights could be extended to ALL parents of the school and EVERY parent would be an official PTO member.
Well at the last meeting, the president announced that she and the 3 other BOARD members feel that an outside person should head this committee as kind of a Liaison.It just happens that this outside person was brought into the last meeting of last year,by the president , to try and talk the parents out of a revision of the bylaws. It ended in a huge conflict that the principal had to break up.
We did voice our concerns about this lady who they want incharge and they say we have no rights to stop them. Can they really do this?
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