Oh, mykids...it isn't just the fiction that is in trouble. 5th graders were allowed to help reshelve books, and it appears that they don't know that 333.25 comes AFTER 333.0 in the Dewey Decimal system.

We have closed off the non-fiction shelves, and probably won't have them open for another month or so.
Here is my favorite. Everybody knows that we read from left to right. Well...in our fiction section the A's start at the top right-hand corner. Still can't figure that one out. [img]tongue.gif[/img]
Then there is the matter of "lost" library books. The old librarian had approxmately 10 books checked out for one child, and even more for another. My daughter fell victim to the "lost library book syndrome" last year. If it had been one of my other two, I would have believed it, but not from Erika, my responsible child. It was easier just to pay the $5 than fight, and the book was found close to the end of the year on the wrong shelf. We have decided to forgive all debts unless the child comes to us and says, "My dog ate it." Which did happen the last week of school, BTW.
The way I see it is it's probably going to be a job that goes into summer, but for me it will be a labor of love. Books are something that I just can't get enough of.