When my daughter was about 4, we were behind a family in the grocery store who had a small baby (maybe 1-2 months old). The baby wasn't wearing any special color or clothing to indicate its gender, but did already have pierced ears.
My daughter was remarking on the cute baby GIRL. and I asked why she was sure the baby was a girl. I thought to myself the earrings were the clue. They were, but not the way I expected. My daughter looked at me like I was just too naive for words and said...
"Mommmm, if it were a BOY baby, it would have only ONE earring!"
My daughter was 3 at the time and at that talkative stage. One day she was just chatting away nonstop (Mommy this, Mommy that) while I was trying to concentrate on something. I finally just couldn't take it anymore so I tell her "Alex I just wish I had 3 minute where I don't hear the word Mommy." To which she replies "Hey someone else, someone else."
With four boys I have never ending moments of smiles...Where else can you here in routine conversation at the dinner table
"Danny--get that out of your belly button"
I always have to wonder what is going on inside those little brains. To think . . . we are only hearing a small part of it -- the stuff they figure is worth saying! Who knows what else is going on in there?