We have a volunteer reception every year. The PTO funds it but the staff does the work. It's nice. We get a certificate (I've kept them all) and a plant. I wish they would quit with the plants because I always kill mine before the school year is over. Not that I am complaining but I would rather have a picture of flowers colored by a student that says thanks for helping or something. That would also be less money out of our budget. Can you tell I'm the treasurer?
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
I am the Election Judge this week (and the next) for our School Board elections and that is THE nicest thing I have heard all week! Okay, the ONLY nice thing I have heard......
okay besides my three year old's scream when I finally came home yesterday!!!
I wonder if I can have a sign stating this info?? hhhhmmmmmm..........
This is being sent to you for all the things that you do. Even if no one else recogonizes you, please be aware that all of you are appreciated for your hard work and all that you share.
V is for the vigor that you bring
O is for the opportunity to know you
L is for your life you share
U is for the unconditional love you have
N is for the nurturing you give
T is for the time you don't have
E is for the excitement you bring
E is for the energy you have
R is for the reason you're a volunteer