mykids--Is your kitchen manager an independent or a contracted company? We don't have a "real" cafeteria, but have a provider that brings in "hot" (yeah--RIGHT) lunches which are absolutely appalling. It stuns me the state of NJ could think that in any way these meals are nutritious.
When our school opened we didn't have a kitchen, so students brown bagged it everyday. Just three years ago, the school moved into a "real" school building with a $20,000+ kitchen! SO ever since then the kitchen manager has vowed to do her best to cook real (and really good) lunches. NO YOU CAN'T HAVE HER .
The amazing info that was shared was how much cheaper it is to cook a meal than to warm up a pre-packed item. Something to ask your school to really look at, numbers are everything! Our teachers and staff have even said they are willing to pay $1-2 more for a fresh salad bar than prepackaed salads purchased from a warehouse.....and they taste better!
I didn't read the article, but I do know that in our district those decisions and contracts are made at the district level. So I would ask your principal or maybe the school secretary who to contact.
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
Did anyone read the article in this mnths issue of Nick Jr. magazine about reworking elementary school cafterias to serve REAL food? It was very eye-opening, and I would love to have my daughter eating/trying what those schools are doing. any ideas on how to kick start this?