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6th grade welcome back...need ideas!

17 years 7 months ago #135347 by LUVMYKIDS
How about kind of scavenger hunt where the kids have to find certain locations in the school? You could have teachers/volunteers stationed in the rooms and give the kids stickers to mark off their "lists" as they find the locations. When they tunr in their completed sheet you could give them a small prize like a pencil or folder with the school logo on it. It would give the kids a chance to get to know the building.

Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
17 years 7 months ago #135338 by OneandOnly
My son is also entering 6th grade and I heard from last year's event, that there was not enough for the kids to do. Also, as their first event in Middle School, they were a bit too excited and they needed more strategically placed adults to keep them in the gym area & not wandering the school.
I would like to see for this year activitiy stations for the kids to do - sports related, craft related. maybe even some group activities that are fun. It would keep the kids entertained & busy while also getting to know eachother.

Doing it for my one and only ~~ my son!
17 years 7 months ago #135301 by mommytlc
Isn't it sad when no one else wants to help? I've been there.

If you are going to have food, pizza is always a hit with kids. Juice boxes are great as well.

As far as something fun to do, how about a basketball throwing contest or a jump roping contest? You could even set up a small obstacle course. For example, you can have the kids jump in hoola hoops placed on the floor, then pick up a jump rope and jump a certain number of times, then pick up a ball and dribble it so many times, etc. A little exercise and competition never hurts!
17 years 7 months ago #135246 by PCGHAMC
Music is always a common thread amongst that age about karoake stations? Kids love to sing, right? Just a thought.
17 years 7 months ago #135243 by tigermom55
Last spring I volunteered to chair a committee that will organize a welcome back social for our 6th grade. I found out last week that the date has already been set (less than a month away) and the committee is me, myself and I! :eek: Anybody have any ideas for an age appropriate after school event for 60 11&12 year olds that would last about 1 &1/2 hours?
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