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ice cream social

17 years 7 months ago #133979 by truspartan
Replied by truspartan on topic RE: ice cream social
Ours is simple and held late in September. We have a tremendous turnout and charge nominal amounts for the ice cream. It has been self-sustaining for years. We also hold it in the evening and haven't seen a dent due to work schedules or dinner or whatever. We go 6-8pm I think and there's a line out the door most of the time.

However, I do like the idea of having a PTO table set up and I also like the idea of making it free. Will have to pursue those two things.
17 years 8 months ago #133327 by PresidentJim
Replied by PresidentJim on topic RE: ice cream social
This is where I disagree with WFS. The beginning of the year is your one chance to set the tone for the entire year. Last year because we did this we ended up getting more than twice the active members compared to last year. By having more active members we were able to keep things going throughout the year and had a new Harvest Party in October, a new February Social event, a new Golf Tournament and ended up having a record breaking turn out at every event that we ran throughout the year. I honestly believe that this one event, the Back to School Party, made the difference in this amazing year.

EVPTO, I would recommend showing the other board members some of the Back to School articles from PTOtoday to hopefully get them to realize how important this event could be. To try to keep the cost down maybe you could find an inexpensive DJ and look for donated prizes throughout the summer. And if you could get the ice cream donated then the cost would be very minimal. I wish you luck because I do see the benefit to this event, having seen the difference first hand.

17 years 8 months ago #133324 by WFS
Replied by WFS on topic RE: ice cream social
If you start big, families may expect all events to be just as big. If the focus is to introduce yourself as the new PTO and have families meet their teacher and bring in supplies, then leave it just as that. Offer the ice cream treats, maybe some coloring or activity sheet handouts. Make your board available to meet the parents, speak about your planned functions and maybe get a few to sign up as volunteers and then call it a night.

You have the whole school year to do a big event.

Making a positive difference one project at a time <img src=images/smilies/smile.gif>
17 years 8 months ago #133310 by msladybug
Replied by msladybug on topic RE: ice cream social
We always do our ice cream social on Sept.21, which is national ice cream cone day.
We are very lucky to have a local restaurant to buy and donate the ice cream and cones.
We just get volunteers and serve it as the students are leaving the lunch room.
They get a choice of vanilla, chocolate or strawberry.

We keep it simple.
17 years 8 months ago #133289 by EVPTO
Replied by EVPTO on topic RE: ice cream social
Ours is meant to be a back to school event as well. The teachers I've spoken with would like it to be a meet the teacher and bring supplies in type activity the day or two before school starts. Being new I just thought a big fun kick-off would really make people take notice and hopefully draw in the families. I talked to the two other board members today and evidently we are not in agreement on this at all. They invision a one-hour activity at the school where you come in, see room, meet teacher, eat and leave. While that is certainly one way to do it, I thought more would get everyone's attention. I think turnout might be low because families have to get home from work and eat first then come over. I just don't see it being a popular thing that way, especially with the older kids familiar with the school. PresidentJim I wish i coulid get my board to think like you do!

What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do.<br />
<br> - John Ruskin
17 years 8 months ago #133241 by PresidentJim
Replied by PresidentJim on topic RE: ice cream social
We had our first one last year and it set the tone for the entire year, but ours is a Back to School event.

Personally, as PTOtoday suggests, if you go with it as a Back to School event I would not make this a fundraising event. That is not the way to start the year off!!! This has to be FREE!!!!!

Knowing how important this event is we actually allocate $2000 for the event. We hire the local RadioDisney party patrol which puts on an amazing show and controls all of the music, games and prizes. They get the teachers and the Principal involved. They have age specific games where every child wins a free prize. I setup a "Get Involved" PTO table, but I do not approach the parents. I let them come to me so that we are not coming across as pressuring. I also have handouts that the parents cane take that explains what we do and I use PTOtoday articles that talkes about involvement and the advantages.

We sell our school spirit apparel and items at the event as well.

The ice cream and drinks are free, and last year we even had popcorn, though we went through it faster than I thought we would.

We held the event outside on the first day of school (which was a half-day). This year the first day is not a half-day, so we are having it the day before. All of the teachers will be at the school, so we try our best to get them to come out. We even have a teacher basket raffle for the teachers in attendance.

We even invited our town's new Superintendant of Schools, who whole-heartedly accepted. The event provided a first opportunity for most of the parents to meet the new Principal and Superintendant, as well as their child's new teacher.

Good luck,
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