We do a cakewalk as one of the games with our spring carnival. It's basically as described above. Numbered squares on the floor in a circle, play music and participants step from square to square until music stops, we draw a number from a bowl and that person selects either a cake or a book. We get our cakes from a local bakery using cash donations from parents. Last year we added books as a choice(instead of cake) and we are doing it again this year. I have heard of schools that do it strictly as a bookwalk, but our group decided to try offering both.
The Cakewalk is also now seen as a game in church and school bazaars and fairs. Participants walk around a path with numbered squares in time with music. When the music stops, a number is called out and the person standing on that square receives a cake. Cakes are usually donated by members of the church or school and the participants buy tickets to play. Therefore this is a common fundraiser.
Okay call me silly but I hear all the time about the cake walk and have no clue what to do with it. Can someone please explain the way this works and can we use books for prizes! Reading night plan???
"When you stop learning you stop growing."