This is so great! I have been working so hard putting together a notebook for our room parents and planning for our room parent meeting. I have included a lot of the things you listed, like a class list and a volunteer form filled out by parents, along with a calender of school events and and welcome letter, detailing all of the events that we will need their help with, along with a 1000 Grand candy bar and a quote about volunteers being priceless. What are your teachers asking you to add?
At the meeting I was planning on a mini training session for newbies, like how to work the copier, laminator, where the teacher lounge and bathrooms are, etc. Can you think of anything I might be missing? When I read your post, it was everything I have been working on and it was great to see how wonderful it worked out. I like how you have teachers at the meeting. i am goign to work on that next.
I do have a couple of teachers who say they do not want room parents because of past experiences. Any advice on how to work with that? I am hoping that once they see the info I have put together for the parents that will help some.
Also, tell me about the gift registery. I love the idea!
Thanks so much for your post! You ROCK!!!