Pioneers, Inians, Owls What a fun mix! And look what happens when dlf gets busy - the rest of us drop the ball.... Let's see what I can come up with.....
- Leading our children into the future
- Discover Volunteering
- Education - the Final Frontier
(Considering the current attention given to racial mascots, I'd be sure to pick something strong and repsectful)
- Where Education is Chief
- Our Spirit is Strong
Here's what dlf posted on another thread:
And for the Owls....
Owls PTO--Show the kids you give a hoot!!!
"WHO" if not YOU!!!!..... Owls PTO...
Owls PTO -- You'd be wise to join!
Wisen Up the kids...Volunteer with the Owls PTO.
Be a wise guy and join us...Owls PTO.
Don't just sleep all day...join the Owls PTO!
I'm thinking.... Anyone else have ideas???