I am from St. Kevin's school in IL. I would love to have more information about this event if you'd be willing to (share) info.
(EDIT: please share right here on the boards.)
I thought of an idea to take our kids drawings and put them on a disk or cd and offer these for sale as wallpaper/screensavers. It would also be a fun way to show off the kids talents!
Our middle school band director did something similiar to this at last year's All Media Night. There was a company that recorded the band concert portion of the evening and then took orders for the CDs, to be delivered a few weeks later. I never heard how it turned out, but now I'm going to call and find out. This would be a great fundraiser for our elementary music department!
St. Patrick - thanks for the reply. That makes sense about getting permission. I'm going to present this to our music department and see if they want to pursue it. It is a fabulous idea. Thanks for posting it.
You can use accompaniment CDs if you get permission and pay around ten dollars per 100 sales per song. What I think is neat is that every CD has the child who drew the artwork. It says "Artwork by Lauren" for my child. The inside cover has every student displayed. The CD has a collage this year, last year we had shamrocks. Our music teacher used a few tunes on CD but they got permission. You would need music that is geared for schools. I don't think the Rolling Stones will let you sing along and sell them. I know the company has made a bunch of extras to give out so maybe they will send one out to you if you ask. You might want to check out their website if you want to hear what we did or what they do. I told them that I posted on this site and the owner told me they are actually going to attend Chicago, New Jersey and Massachusetts PTO Show.