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Carnival games for older kids

19 years 1 month ago #119803 by Shawn
The suction cup arrowss bounce off the plywood, that's with my kids' sets, from about 8-10ft.

<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...
19 years 1 month ago #119802 by C. Brooks
Replied by C. Brooks on topic RE: Carnival games for older kids
I would like to do an archery game. Has anyone done this? Sometimes it is called "William Tell." I read you need to cut a whole in plywood and you can use nerf. Some said those suction type arrows, but I wonder how well that would work.

Yellek, I really want a Plinko game. Did you order that or make it? It seems like it would be simple to make make. I would like to see actual plans on it.
19 years 1 month ago #119801 by Kristi Jones
Replied by Kristi Jones on topic RE: Carnival games for older kids
What we did with all grades - but grades 4-6 were more interested - is have a pie throwing contest. We had the kids put their names of the back of tickets to enter their name for the drawing. The "victims" were our 6th grade teacher, and the local DARE officer whom the kids knew very well since he was a regular guest speaker at our school. We decorated a 4ftx4ft piece of plywood with a cutout in the center for their face. People donated their metal pie plates - like the ones from a graham cracker crust - and filled them with whipped cream. We had the drawing for only 6 kids to get to attempt to hit the "victims." No prize was given to those kids who hit the face, but the smiles on the faces was great for the audience.
Also, we're a military base, so we had a few local Marines come to work a booth - Marine chin-ups. The older kids really liked this.
Also purchase an inexpensive bow and arrow set - with suction cup arrows! - and used 12inx12in mirrors with bullseyes painted in the center.
Hope those ideas will work for you in the future! :D
19 years 3 months ago #119800 by ShowMeMom
Replied by ShowMeMom on topic RE: Carnival games for older kids
Our older students like the soda pop toss. it's like a ring toss using 2 liter bottles. The prize is a can of soda.
19 years 4 months ago #119799 by LUVMYKIDS
The most popular game at our carnival is the sponge toss(a variation of pie throwing). We have a big plywood sheet with a hole cut in the middle so someone can stick their head through. It's all set up in an easel type of arrangement so that it just sits on the floor and the "target" kneels down behind. Then the "thrower" throws water-soaked sponges at the "target". They get three tries and if they hit the "target" all three times they get the bigger prize. We have a line for "throwers" and a line for "targets" because the kids LOVE to get soaked. We have strap on safety goggles so no one gets hit in the eye. Keep a mop handy and cover your floor with tarps if there are water damage concerns.

Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
19 years 4 months ago #119798 by C. Brooks
Replied by C. Brooks on topic RE: Carnival games for older kids
Toilet paper toss was very popular with the older kids when we were K-5. The pres's dad made it. It is pretty easy to store and the pattern seemed simple. used to have some pretty good games. I wished I could think of that other page I had marked before the crash.

I'd love to have Plinko. We are planning to do a winter festival in Feb. if the powers that be approve. We are a 5/6 school. I think the kids would like that. Another thing I have in mind is having a "Wildcat Shop." Having spirit items along with fun school supplies that the kids can browse and buy.

Here are some other things I can think of:

*When I was in high school we had spring flings. I think different clubs had different things. One was a palm reading booth. We thought that was a hoot.
*Pie throwing contest? Don't know how expensive that is. You could sell chances for them to win a pie to throw at a favorite teacher.
*One year at the elementary we had hula lessons. It was for a Hawiaan themed Spring Fling but you could do it for pilates, yoga, or Bollywood dancing (I would pay .25 for a short session of that!).
*Characture painting. Not sure what that is called. It is when someone paints your face really big with a small body. Perhaps you have an art teacher or talented parent that could do that.
*Guess how many. When is your carnival? If it is close to Thanksgiving you could put cranberries in a jar and have the students to guess how many are in there. Holly berries around Christmas, etc.
*We have a card making machine at the elementary but you could do this with posters too. The kids like to get cards made with different slogans like "Best Friends" or something catchy. They even had fake DLs one year.
*One year we did our prize walk during the day for beanie babies. The older kids like that too.
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