Hi - I'm new at this so exscuse if I'm not doing this right. I noticed you were asking questions about a Halloween dance - can you give me some info about what you are doing? I am running the school's first Halloween dance this Ocotber and I was looking for ideas about it.
Originally posted by <jaame>: I am PTO leader at a private, conservative christian elementary school. I don't think they'd like the nail painting or karaoke. What other things could a school like ours do. We average around 75 students a year at this K-8 school.
bible study? Prayer chain?
another craft? singing Christian songs?
What an AWESOME idea, I've been trying to think of something like that. Thank you. My husband suggested a father/ son "campout" on the field, with different activities like manhunt, smores, make soda bottle bird feeders... Any "boy" ideas out there e-mail me and let me know please. We are a K-5 school.