Hi to the President from Plantation FLA. I am writing a story on how to have a great fun night/carnival and would like to hear more about yours. Can you email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thanks! Your enthusiasm jumps off the screen which is great. I also love the idea of including past and future students.
And to SMenny, I'd like to hear how yours goes too if you don't mind!
You need a big glass of iced tea and 30 minutes of quiet time. Don't worry about people not showing up--they will. I worried about that with our Family Night in January and we had a HUGE crowd, and yet I'm worried about it for our Family Night tomorrow too. Must just be the stress! Good luck with your event. Now where is that glass of iced tea....
Well our Fun Fair/ Silent Auction is tomorrow night (Friday). I thnk we have everyting set. I am soooooo nervous. I am afraid no one will show up. LOL I know at least 50 people will because those are our volunteers. Anyway any last minute suggestions you can think I might need??? I would appreciate it. [img]tongue.gif[/img]