Our event is held for 5 days (M-F). Yes, every class comes and visits the Book Fair during the school day and parents are invited to come then. BUT, what we did new this year is that we scheduled a Back-to-School Night (really it was sort of an Open House) on the Monday night and children were invited and we had a dinner also at the school(it was very successful). Then, on Friday, we had Grandparents' Day and the children visited the Book Fair with their grandparents. I noticed in the school newsletter today that they said they raised more money this year than ever before.
A general question to all who are talking about book fairs: Do you have all your classes come down and shop or do you just have it after school or at night? How many days do you hold your book fairs?
We did a spaghetti supper last year in conjunction with our Open House and Book Fair. We found the spaghetti supper really helped bring people to the book fair. We're going to try and do it again this year -
I haven't gotten any final figures but from what I've heard, the librarian is thrilled because this event brought lots of parents to the Book Fair with the children. They might not have come otherwise. We sold about 500 dinners as compared to less than 200 last year. The crowd at Grandparents' Day, too, was PACKED, almost too crowded!