We're working on another SchoolFamily Night package, and I'd love your input as we put it together.
The basic idea is a night with perhaps several (connected or not connected, not sure)activities under same roof. Unlike, for example, a family movie night where everyone is in one room doing same thing, this night might be a bit more open-ended with several organized stations that folks can either survey (moving one station to another) or concentrate on(one station for a while).
Couple of questions:
1. What would you call a night like this?
2. Any great ideas for stations?
Our complete Night kit would (as always) include the posters, letters and how-to materials for free. It will likely also include complete instructions on how to best pull off the various stations.
Please think of this as a brainstorm thread. No bad answers.
Look forward to any/all ideas or thoughts.
I'll start with one or two stations: a scrapbooking station perhpas, a dancing/dj station (in gym)...