Vik-these boards will be a huge asset. Get familiar with the file exchange and then learn to search for your questions/topics using the search engine or just ask them here. You'll get a response for sure. LUV is right though...start with the principal and take on getting some good structure and bricks for the organization you're creating. It'll hold you in good stead in the future.
Thank you! There are no other officers as of yet. I have emailed the principal to schedule a time to meet with him. I will be meeting with all of the staff on Friday morning.
I didn't realize how huge of an undertaking this is. I'm up for the challenge though.
Are there other parents who have been "designated" as officers of your new group? If so, the first thing I would do is have a meeting with all of them and come up with a basic game plan of what your group's purpose will be within the school. Include the principal in this meeting because he/she may have a specific idea in his/her mind of what they think the group's role should be. You want to make sure that you all agree.
From that point you can begin to define programs and develop events that will align with your group's purpose. If you decide that you need to be a source for financial assistance with programs in the school, then start looking for ways to raise funds and define how those funds will be disbursed. If you decide to be a source for volunteer assistance within the school, then define what sort of programs that would require-classroom volunteers, help at recess, working in the library, etc. Don't forget to throw in some "just for fun and totally free" events for your families. These type of events can do a lot to build a sense of community in your school and build a positive reputation for your group with your school families.
This site is a great resource for ideas, so search through it, post questions and thoughts, and even vent when things are getting a little stressful!
My daughter is going to a brand new Charter school next week. Last night, I was asked to be PTO President and I have no clue where to start. Please help!!!!