We too are a small school with 150ish in attendance and we are in serious need of assistance. With new members this year, our goal is positive, fun, upbeat and definately everything possible for our children. Can you advise us on how to boost the parent participation in any way, we are giving away incentives to the new "K" parents, but what do you do for those who are "burned out" from previous years? Please help us with this...
I was curious if there is an area on PTO Today just for smaller schools? So, we could like band together and find/share useful posts for us little guys?
I feel your pain! We are a school of about 160-170 kids K-6th. In about a year and a half we will shrink even more when the district opens a new high school and all the elementary schools change to K-4th. We have a President, 2 VPs, treasurer, reporter and secretary. Our regular meeting attendance is around 10, but we usually have all our volunteer needs met (even if it's the day before the event!). As a new President this year I intend on focusing strongly on reaching out to our families more, and improving the view families take or our PTO.
I'm not sure what size school you're looking for... but your active participation is about right for our school--
We do have a few more board members-- but you know, if we didn't those parents say they probably wouldn't help as much if they weren't on the board.
We're going to try and change that opinion this year and get more parents involved.
We'll see!
As I read a lot of the articles there seems to be A LOT of big schools that are posting info... anyone know where to go for smaller schools???
We have a President, VP, Secretary & Treasurer.. and probably about 15 active consistent members.. so not much.. looking for others with the same struggles!