Small schools dealing with complexity and imitative. Small rural schools also face different demands from many larger schools <a href=””> write my essay for me cheap, because of the more central role they play in their local community.
I know this post is super old but your exact words are my exact thoughts! You literally stated what I've been trying to find. This site and board is very helpful but with all these large figures and number of events I keep seeing, it's not relatable. No two situations are alike, I know, but I've been trying to find a band of smaller schools/PTOs to relate to. Wish there was something out there!
Cancan--you need not worry. If you do ONE THING for the kids this coming year--you will not bomb. You've had the guts to step forward and get your hands dirty. That automatically qualifies you as a successful president. Just work for the children and they will reward you with smiles and at least ONE free slice of pizza at some point during the year!!!!
I am with you on this one. We have a small school K-5 and around 300 kids. Our PTO isn't very big we have 4-5 active parents we have quite a bit of our staff that is involved in our PTO.. This is my first year as President and I am worried that I'm going to bomb...So if we could band together that would be wonderful..
We have only about 40-50 students at our school. I am in charge of the PTF and we have to come up with about 3k of lost revenue from our last church host's chicken dinner suppers. We do not have the chicken broasters that the other church building had so we have to think of a new dinner and market it so it will be as popular as the former chicken dinners. This is the first year that I will have any chair people helping me.
I am a new member to this blog. I am starting a new PTO from the ground up at a small school of about 500 (k-12) I am feeling a little overwhelmed about how to start and get people to volunteer and some different fundraising ideas. As a small community we have different organization that raise money already: i.e. churches, boyscouts, girlscouts and senior class and i am afraid of running people off. There is a serious lack of participation at school by parents and lack of relationship with teachers and that is what i am trying to change. Any suggestions on how to get started and recieved in this small community would be great.