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Looking for ways to inspire students

17 years 9 months ago #132746 by LUVMYKIDS
jewelz, one year we had a Homework Help Night. A teacher from each grade level did a seminar in their classroom on the curriculum and how to help with homework in each area. It was great! Many terms and techniques have changed since we were kids, so it was great to learn those new terms and how subjects were being taught so we parents could have a better grasp of what was going on in the classroom and how to help our child. For the K-2 kids a teacher team did a presentation on how to build reading skills and using phonetics to sound out words.

If parents are more comfortable with the school work, they can help more from home and are more willing(and able) to come into the school and help too.

Sounds like your group is really moving on this-great job!!

Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
17 years 9 months ago #132742 by jewelz
I love this idea of a community clean up! This is a great service oriented task! I have been talking some of these ideas w/our principal, and we are thinking of trying to have some workshops in the fall.
Our PTO meetings have always been strictly business=little or no parental involvement. So we are hoping to incorporate speakers on those nights, to help boost attendance and involvement, as well to help parents in certain areas.
One idea we have is how to help your child study. Many of our parents are intimidated by their children's homework. I am hoping to provide flash cards, give them ideas about games that they can play. Basically, try to get them to spend more time helping their children learn. Maybe, they will become more comfortable with their child's teacher to ask for assistance. Not everyone is a born teacher.

There are so many things I want to see accomplished!!!!! I just hope we can do just a few of them!
17 years 9 months ago #132740 by WFS
Me N Rory has more great ideas. Getting kids involved in making a positive difference to their community gives them a self esteem boost! If doing a community beautification project, ask your local scouts to assist. They are very familiar with these types of projects, the parents are VERY supportive and they can help to organize the kids into groups and work together!
Agree with getting all the free press you can, it will make other area businesses aware of your desire to improve the area in which you live. They may also be more likely to donate to future events you have as well! If you have a Wal Mart in the area, ask if they could donate water for the community event. They have a community program that can provide to organizations. You just need to make them aware of it ahead of time and they should be able to make a donation of some kind.

Making a positive difference one project at a time <img src=images/smilies/smile.gif>
17 years 9 months ago #132735 by me_n_rory
Hey Jewelz,
I so understand how it can be difficult to get parents involved. One of the best pieces of advise I got on this site is if you can get the kids excited and motivated the parents usually follow. Its hard when theres not alot of money, but you've been given some great ideas already. One I'm considering to implement at our school. A neighborhood clean up, pick a day (if its ok with your principal, maybe during the school day) or as an afternoon PTO activity. Get t-shirts or if not enough money for that have the kids dress in school colors, grab garbage bags, plastic gloves etc. and start cleaning. Maybe make some signs that you can put up that say "Neighborhood Beauty brought to you by ______ School" Call your local alderman, or any politico in the area and see if he will sponser your school in this. Call your area newspaper and let them know what your doing, and see if they'll come out and take your picture. (and let your local politican know so he/she can be in the picture too...elections are coming up you know!)
(make sure any child in the picture has a release on file for his picture to be shown)
Maybe its something that you can plan once a month, it gets your school out in the community which may motivate your community to come to you and get involved in your school.
Its a great,easy and cheap way to get our children involved, teach them pride in themselves and where they live. It is also a way to show them that they can make a difference.
17 years 9 months ago #132688 by jewelz
These are some terrific ideas. I too, believe that it is crucial to have some parental support. It is tough to get them involved, but some are beginning to come around.
I really appreciate your thoughts!
17 years 9 months ago #132668 by LUVMYKIDS
WFS makes a great point about inviting community leaders in to speak. Maybe you can even work on some in-school and after school programs involving some of these folks. Do you have Junior Achievement in your area? that can be a great program to teach kids about business. There is also a bank in our community that does kid's banks within the schools. The kids operate the bank and earn a premium interest rate on the money they put into their account. They learn a ton in this program!

Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
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