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Anyone have any good gift ideas?

17 years 9 months ago #133207 by gracesmomw
I am not sure which thread I recently read a discussion about gifts for outgoing officers on.....But I have a question for all of you.

I got to thinking about the idea of a small personal token for the individual people, along with doing something for the school in the name of (dedication to) the retiring officers.

They diligently worked on improving the school playground area. This is enjoyed by the entire community.

We have running water on the outside of the school. Does anyone know what kind of cost we would be getting into trying to put a drinking fountain outside ?
17 years 9 months ago #132828 by DonnaS
A "book plate" inside a library book. The librarian gave us some books from the library..I put a bookl plate inside thanking the person for their volunteer service. The book will forever be in the school library with a dedication to the Volunteer inside the book for all the years of volunteer service :)
17 years 9 months ago #132825 by northeastmom
I am considering giving back scratchers---w/ a note thanks for the helping hand.
For a different event I gave teachers the little plastic hands that you wave and they clap together and said you deserve a round of applause for all of your hard work.
How about the chocolate candy Treasures--we treasure all of your help this year!
I don't think it has to be anything of any expense, any thougth or token of appreciation is well, apprecitated!
Last year our school gave its volunteers seed packets with a pretty ribbon around it--something about helping the school grow I think....
17 years 10 months ago #132327 by CrewChief
I once received a pack of wildflower seeds with a poem... something about volunteer work sowing seeds for the future.... I'm sorry I can't remember the exact poem but it was a lovely thank you.

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."

"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the true perfection of one's character."
17 years 10 months ago #132310 by pals
You could go with something cutesie yet inexpensive, you could go with rolls of lifesavers (youre a lifesaver), popcorn (were poppin for appreciation), box of crayons (you color our school's world), puzzles (for being a piece)...things like that.
For April I actually did little goodie bags for volunteer week and the cost was less than $75.00 for 80. another thing I did for our Fall Fest that was a huge hit, was get those little picture frames from a craft store (they are like 3 by 5) took pictures of their child and made magnets. For 45 volunteers it cost less that $40.00. things like that mean alot, it doesn't have to be anything expensive, why not have their child write a thank you for helping their school?

"When you stop learning you stop growing."
17 years 10 months ago #132305 by Katydid
We don't typically give out TY gifts to our volunteers. We are blessed with a wonderfully large group of volunteers, which also means that our budget couldn't afford TY gifts for all of them!

Sometimes we've been able to include a small gift as a TY for work in one of our larger programs:

-- candy samples from our fundraiser company (when we used to use one)
-- rubber bracelets in our school colors with pawprints on them (for our mascot)
-- Pawprint window decals that had "PTO" cut out in them

I volunteered for a year-long, big-commitment reading program at the school and the principal gave each volunteer a $5 gift card to a bookstore as a TY.
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