I'm trying this with our craft event. The note I'm sending home lists each item we need prep help with and some general info on what needs to be done. I'm noting which ones are things that can be done from home and which would need to be done at the school. We'll see if it helps. Thanks for the tip.
We have just started a new " technique" and it is working VERY well for us. Instead of the usual cattle-calls via email and newsletter that say " we need help.. we can't do this event without help" and blah blah blah.. we have started offering " Volunteer Opportunities".
We will send out an email prior to events and list the " opportunities".. like for a santa's workshop helper.. we might say here's what needs to be done, any xyz hours and days.. and then add " anyone with retail experience?"...
we also list all the prep stuff that needs to go on before an event,- ( you know, all that stuff WE do that makes an event go smoothly)
Well, what a difference this has made. People are stepping up like crazy.. and here's why:
1. We are OFFERING something to them ( the opportunity to share in the giving to our school).. NOT begging them to be our " helpers".. which, can be intimidating, and they don't want to be " worker bees" for other people.
2. We are offering VERY concise jobs, with finite responsibilities, with a time frame that they can fit into their lives.. Asking for " blanket help" scares the daylights out of people because they feel like they will get sucked into the vortex we all know as PTO Volunteers!
TRY IT! Start selling your events to YOUR parents as " opportunities".. it's amazing how the point of view will change!