We have done RSVP's for our Family Nights the last couple of years. When I send out the flyer advertising the event, I put a part at the bottom that the family fills out and sends back. It says how many will be coming and they check whether or not they will be eating. I say that while an RSVP is not REQUIRED for attendance, that we appreciate people sending one in so we can plan the food accordingly. Families have been very cooperative and we have done really well with the people to food ratio.
Another variable is that our middle school just lost a bunch of students to a brand new Middle School in the area. So even if I got an estimate of how many parents attended an event in the past we lost about half of our students.
My goal is to lure as many parents as I can out to this event. We really need to increase our parent participation.
Oh boy, that's the million dollar question. Do you have any clue as to how many "usually" come or is this something totally new? Is it possible that a grocery store might let you return some if you have a bunch extra (some will)?
When I chaired our first Family Game Night, I required everyone to have a ticket (free). I found that about 20% LESS people came than RSVP'd, which sort of surprised me. People do not feel an obligation when the tickets are free.
We are a new PTO. This will be our first parent involvement event. We are holding a PTO general meeting/ Ice Cream Social/ membership kick off that will be free for all paid members of the PTO.
I went to Smart and Final to do my research on prices. However, everything depends on the number of people we have turn out. How on earth do I estimate a turn out?
Is there any easier way to get a head count? Should we sell tickets beforehand? Please any and all ideas are appreciated. I need to have enough ice cream but not so much that I have a car full of leftovers at the end!!!