We have a PR committee which is basically "Publicity". Our PR chair write press releases and sends them out; writes all the letters to corporations requesting donations; orders and maintains all of the bumper stickers, magnnets, promotional materials, etc; send recognition and Thank You letters to sponsors; works closely with Fundraising and Events to promote all the goings-ons; creates, posts and distributes fliers and maintains the PTO Bulletin Board. There's more I am sure, but that gives you the basic run-down. Anything that has to do with relating to the public or advertising in the community, she handles. Underher, she has a committees that look over Internal and External Marketing so she is able to delegate and manage them effectively.
Hi. I have been an active member and 2 years on our PTO Board. The past 2 years I have noticed our newsletter (which also serves as the elementary school's newpaper), has been lacking.
This year to board has asked em to be incharge of the newsletter.
I need asistance on how to. I am computer adept, fanatic about accuracy and I want to put as much info in the monthly newsletter as I can.
We have a publicity "consultant"...she is responsible for newsletters, backpack flyers for our assemblies, school cable channel publicity, and newspaper coverage of PTA happenings.
Cash for Trash is the catch all term we use for all the items we collect for cash. Box Tops for Education, Campbell's, Tyson, Soft n Good Bread School Spirit UPCs, Spartan product UPCs, and the grocery receipts from two local grocery stores.
I am our publicity committee.
I write our monthly newsletters, a monthly PTA Happenings column for our local paper, make sure to let the paper staff know about anything I know of that is happening in the school.
I also take care of our bulletin board in the lobby and take care of all advertising for our craft show.
Since I am also the Cash for Trash coordinator, I publicize that also through the above media.