We have an Area Education Agency that is a great resource for speakers on various educational topics. I don't know if that's a nationwide thing or not, but you could ask your principal. They don't charge anything either so that's a bonus. We've also tapped local law enforcement, our school nurse and counselor, and other schools have used our local hospital and doctor's for health issues.
At our last PTO Meeting we had a professor from the local college come and talk to us about the importance of music in education. And then her and 2 of her students performed for us. It was great.
She had statistics of how students that do play instruments or are in some sort of music, have better grades, higher ACT/SAT scores, and overall more well rounded.
I am planning on our next meeting to get a therapsty to speak to us about ADD/ADHD and what should and could be done with children that have this.
Hi parents, I am excited to be on the PTO next year and am aleady trying to brainstorm ideas for next year.
Where do you go about finding guest speakers about educational issues ie: the difference between educating boys and girls, ADHD, homework tips, computer safety 101 for parnets. I know authors of books would be great, how can I find speakers??? I think it would interesting to hear some topics possibly at meetings or used as a fundraiser. any ideas???