HI Pres needs help, don't know if this is too late, would you have time to do something like:
snacks or candy, bake sale to sell at lunch time to the school, or host a pizza lunch at school where your 5th graders would make a profit??
ie: make candy flowers or bags of treats that students and parents can send to other kids for a nominal fee, and the 5th graders could collect the order sheets (you make) and then assemble the treats and deliver them to school??
Good Luck and thanks for being a concerned parent, it is refreshing!!!!
HI Pres needs help, don't know if this is too late, would you have time to do something like:
snacks or cancy, bake sale to sell at lunch time to the school, or host a pizza lunch at school where your 5th graders would make a profit??
ie: make candy flowers or bags of treats that students and parents can send to other kids for a nominal fee, and the 5th graders could collect the order sheets (you make) and then assemble the treats and deliver them to school??
Good Luck and thanks for being a concerned parent, it is refreshing!!!!
<kathie> BTW, in our elementary schools, it's against district policy to charge for any trips. They are all funded by the PTA (amount in budget) and/or the schools
no way you don't pay! At the beginning of every school year at our elementary school-parents are given a list of fieldtrips, the cost, whether a bag lunch is needed yadayada and parents are required to pay upfront for the entire years worth of field trips. BTW our district is ranked one of the highest with "cost per child to educate" and our user/book/field trip costs continue to increase over and above the cost to "educate"
Do kids still go door to door?? I haven't seen a fundraiser in gosh, 10 years, that suggests that. My kids have asked our nearby neighbors over the phone if they are interested in buying something but these people are also our best friends. Our other "buyers" are my and my husband's co-workers and just a couple of friends if we think they would be intersted. Not really selling, just a printed letter saying what's for sale, who it's benefitting and a deadline. Also, emphasize that there is absolutely no penalty for not buying or even responding. In return, I'll buy from someone at work or from neighbors/ friends kids if I think the product is good.
For our middle and high school kids band trips we tell the parents at the beginning of the school year the cost of the trip and that they can pay the full price or sell so many of whatever and the trip will be free. Many parents don't want to sell and are very willing to pay the cost up front. For my youngest son's MS band trip, we'll pay for most of it because I wasn't willing to sell the product - I didn't think it was that good. But for my son's HS band trip, we easily sold frozen pies and bagels and his trip will be free. The key is to let parents know the cost of the trip upfront and then fundraising is their decision. BTW, in our elementary schools, it's against district policy to charge for any trips. They are all funded by the PTA (amount in budget) and/or the schools.
Its hard getting parents to sell because many work and just don't have the time. I know of a Major Corporation that helps non-profit organization generate funds without selling or delivering anything. This is a great way to raise funds and our kids don't have to go door to door which is dangerous. If you would like more information let me know.