We have a fundraiser chair on the PTO and anyone who wants to do fundraisers have to go through her. She then takes it to our director. This year alone we have down a fall harvest dinner/show, originial artwork, ice cream social. This spring we are doing a silent auction, cookbook, golf tournament. If we find the golf tournament brings in more the silent auction then we are going to start switching off every other year. Our teachers support anything we do and are thankful that they don't have to do any of the planning, coordinating etc.
The principal listens to the ideas, says they sound okay, tells the group to wait or they can't do it then later (months) it because a school fundraiser. The parent group then has to come up with something else.
I'm not clear on what the problem is. She steals your ideas and gives them to the teachers as her own ideas and then the teachers think they're great and implement them? Or the teachers give a thumbs down on them?
Not all principals are big on parental involvement. Some don't give information to the parents in a timely fashion or at all. We all should give a hand to the principals who are out there giving that helping hand and sometimes arms to their parents. The ones who aren't should check out the grades and the atmosphere of schools who are working together and get the lead out. It isn't just the principal's schools there ours too!
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19 years 1 month ago#114387by PRESIDENT NEEDS HELP